ECON1555 Business Data Analytics - Reflection Assignment Help
Assessment Details
This assignment takes the form of a collection of weekly reflective journals that requires you to think deeply and write about your learning experience with the course content covered in Week 1 to 4 inclusive. You are required to reflect on the development of your ideas and insights about Business Data Analytics and its application in your future practice (related to your professional career and/or further research studies).
Specifically, you need to reflect on the learning you have acquired during the early weeks of the course and consider what impact this has on your practice as a potential manager.
Demonstrate your understanding and challenging of views on the material and ideas presented and discussed in the weekly topics. Consider key concepts/theories, skills, insights, practices, and conversations with peers that may have even changed your thinking about the topic. Consider also any impacts that any aspect of the course has on the way you are thinking about behaving in a decision-making role. Clearly indicate how your course learning might enhance your future practice as a business manager. What knowledge and capabilities will you have developed by taking this course that may provide you with an advantage in your career.
To do well, you should demonstrate your understanding of the weekly content via assigned readings and/or engagement with research and analytical activities.
As you will be engaging in a variety of learning tasks, you are recommended to maintain your reflective journal on a weekly basis. Further information on how to write a reflective journal is available on Canvas (Go to Assignments > select SHOW BY TYPE > under Assessment 1 > Assessment 1: How to write a reflective journal).
DIEP Process/ Strategy
As this assessment also evaluates your overall participation in the learning community and allows you to exchange ideas with classmates through online discussion forums/webinars, it provides a perfect opportunity to communicate your own point of view about the topic and its application. In this process, your active engagement with the learning community will be required.
As you will be producing a formal reflective writing piece, you are recommended to use the DIEP process/ strategy to guide your reflective writing to stay focused on the task.
For more information about this process/ strategy, please refer to the information available on Canvas under Assignments > Assessment 1: How to write a reflective journal or go to RMIT Learning Lab.
Submission Format and Guidelines
Word Limit: 2000 words +/- 10% (excluding Table of Content, Appendix, References, figures, tables and screenshots)
- Include word count below your name and student
- Anything beyond the word limit will not be
Font Size: 11pt or 12pt
Font Style: Calibri or Times New Roman
Document Margins: 2.5cm for top, bottom, left and right
Spacing: Single or 1.5 spacing
File Type: single PDF file
- You can go to Assignments > Assessment 1 > Assessment 1: Reflective Journal (Individual) to submit your reflective journal within
Some notes and guidelines:
- Include Introduction and Conclusion and allocate about 400 words for these two
- Allocate about 400 words for each week of reflective journal, which will be about 1600
- Use headings for each section (i.e., 0 Introduction, 2.0 Week 1 Reflective Journal, 3.0 Week 2 Reflective Journal, etc.)
- Include screenshots, figures and tables under Appendix if you have any, label and cite them in your journals
- Include proper in-text citations and attach a reference list using the Harvard referencing system if you have used any references.
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