ECON1048 Policy Enquiry - Individual Assignment

INTRODUCTION (200 word limit)

In your introduction you should briefly and accurately summarise the purpose of your


The purpose of this report is to assume the position of an economist, assessing the possible

effects of the proposed policies from the Autarka government. This report analyses the policy issues using advanced mathematical modeling and equations.

The Autarka government is concerned that most low income families are living in poor quality housing. The government has decided to pass new rules ensuring all families receiving welfare can Afford decent quality housing. The government is deciding on these two policies;

  1. Raise welfare to help recipients into better housing.
  2. Subsidise the rents to lower the cost for families.

The Institute for Cold-Hearted Economics has recommended cashless welfare vouchers deducted from welfare just for rent.

This report calculates the impact to families of both policies and the recommendation. It also looks at the effects on the rental market.

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