Assessment Event 1 – Critical Reflections 

Title: Critical reflections

Weighting: 30%

Length: 1500 words (approximately 500 words per weekly reflection)

Due: Week 4

Learning outcomes: 1, 2 and 3 Description:

Throughout weeks 1-3, your academic will pose reflective questions each week based on the concepts, theories, practices and/or ideas explored in the lecture.

The questions are as follows:

Week 1: How do you define inclusive education?

  • Prompting questions: How have your values, beliefs and previous experiences shaped your views about inclusion and inclusive education? How has the lecture content explored this week challenged/reinforced your definition of inclusive education?

Week 2: Reflect on the policies and legislations explored in the lecture this week. How will these policies and legislations guide your inclusive early childhood practice?

  • Prompting questions: Are there any barriers that you believe will make it difficult for you to address these requirements? How will you work to disestablish these barriers in your practice?

Week 3: Reflect on the medical model, social model and social relational model of disability, as well as inclusive language. Do these ideas align with your prior beliefs about inclusion and disability?

  • Prompting questions: Why/why not? What is challenging about these new ideas/concepts? How will you work to challenge medical model views (whether that be views that you hold yourself, or the views of others)?

You will have time to respond to these questions in the lectures/tutorials as the concepts are fresh in your mind.

After your class in week 3, you will need to combine your responses into one document and finalise your responses prior to submission.

You do not need to go beyond the unit readings for this assignment.

Subject Guide: ECCWC302A – Inclusive Practice and Principles in Early Childhood

It is important that you are engaging in ‘praxis’ (a concept coined by Freire), i.e. making your own thinking, beliefs and values visible to the reader, and thinking about the implications of your reflections for practice, in order to facilitate change.

Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course. The criteria for marking this assessment are given below.

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