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e-tivity W7.1 Project Schedule and Risks

e-tivity W7.1: Project Schedule and Risks

Purpose: To advance understanding of project risk management based on project schedule

Task: Complete Part 1 and Part 2 as follows:

Part 1:

Develop a project schedule for baking 3 loaves of bread at home. This should include all resources required (equipment, ingredients etc.), the time taken for each step in the process and measures of quality. Make sure you provide sufficient level of detail for you to achieve high-quality output.
For this exercise you might like to find a free scheduling or Gantt chart software program online (or use one you are familiar with) to produce a Gantt chart for this e-tivity.
If you are not familiar with or confident in using software for this exercise, then it is quite acceptable to create a Gantt chart on a sheet of paper (or .docx).

Part 2:

Develop a basic risk register with corrective and or preventive strategies for Part 1. You should identify the type of strategy, e.g., "Avoid"  and the actions required to effectively implement this strategy. Then, use a risk matrix to establish each risk's rank by probability and impact.
Use a template for this task. You can use the template provided by the Tasmanian Government via the link or a template of your choice. The Tasmanian Government's template to use can be found on their eGovernment Templates page. The template is under the "other projects template" heading and titled "risk management plan - template and guide".

Response: Upload responses to Part 1 and Part 2 as a post and also review other posts (comment if you wish)

Time: This e-tivity takes about 75min; complete before attending Workshop 7

e-tivity W7.2: Enterprise Risk Management

Purpose: To advance understanding of enterprise risk management

Task: Watch this video on enterprise risk management by Thomas Stanton and answer the following questions:

  1. What made some organisations successful and others not successful when managing projects? 
  2. Why do organisations wait for problems to occur in a project before they act? 
  3. He suggests that organisations should ask one major question – what was that question?
  4. He also proposes that organisations look at ………. Risks. Why is that? 
  5. What was the question that Thomas Stanton asked at Goldman Saacs? And what was the reply? 
  6. According to Stanton what do you need to make enterprise risk management work?

Response: Review other posts and comment if you wish

Time: This e-tivity takes about 45min; complete before attending Workshop 7

e-tivity W8.2: Case study

Purpose: To advance understanding of project procurement via case study

Task: Governments around the world do not have a good record of managing high-value large-scale information technology projects. In recent years many have sought to outsource the risks involved in infrastructural projects - in particular in health, transport and the built environment - by enrolling expertise and knowledge from the private sector. This approach has also been deployed as governments try to use innovations in digital technologies to e-enable the delivery of public services. In Australia Victoria is recognised as a leader in using public private partnerships to deliver public infrastructure assets. However, it has also suffered a number of significant failures and embarrassments in the conduct of information technology projects such as health smart in hospitals and a new information system for the criminal Justice system. Myki is another such controversial project.

Read the following case titled "Taking the myki? Managing Complex Public-Private Infrastructure Projects" by Ian McLoughlin and organise your thoughts on the following questions for discussion in our virtual workshop:

  1. Identify and discuss ‘Big Risks’ that were not identified/managed and led to the failure of the myki project.
  2. What evidence is provided by the myki project that the private-public partnership approach to procuring public infrastructure assets has delivered the benefits that advocates of such partnerships claim?
  3. How effective were the contractor and responsible public agencies in dealing with the innovation management challenges of:
  • network management
  • learning, and
  • integration

Response: No post in the forum required but feel free to share your thoughts on this case study

e-tivity W10.1: Agile Methodology

Purpose: To analyze how agile methodology adds value to projects

Task: Choose ONE of the projects from the list of industries and project types listed below. Choose either a traditional or agile methodology and discuss the benefits of your proposed approach in this instance. Think about how an agile approach might create opportunities for performance improvement on a project.


  • Building a new production facility
  • Upgrading a reactor with new process controllers
  • Discovery of a new biological treatment for eye degeneration


  • Building a new mobile phone manufacturing facility
  • Building a 150 level apartment block
  • Building a prototype modular house made entirely of ceramic materials


  • Culture Change Program
  • Service improvement process
  • Performance Management Program Development

Response: Review other posts and make comments, if you wish

Time: This e-tivity takes about 30min; complete before attending Workshop 10

e-tivity W11.1: Closeout and lessons learned

Purpose: To understand project closeout and lessons learned as part of project closure

Task: Using an example closeout checklist or template, construct your own checklist for your Assessment 2a&3a project and try to make this as realistic as possible, then:

  1. Post your checklist and identify the similarities and differences between yours and those posted by others
  2. Share your ideas on how to ensure "lessons learned" will be used on future projects. Identify two approaches that you think would work the best from all those posted on the forum

Response: Review other posts and make comments as per the task description above

Time: This e-tivity takes about 45min; complete before attending Workshop 12

e-tivity W12.1: Farewells

Purpose: To reflect on your mgt5pmt journey

Task: Reflect on your mgt5pmt journey and share a brief farewell message

Expert's Answer

The risk register highlighting the risks associated with making the bread, and the probability and impact of the risks are presented below. In addition, certain actions are also mentioned to mitigate the risks.

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