DTR202 Advanced Product Management - Assignment Help


The Final Project requires you to take the Milestones you’ve worked on throughout the course to form a Pitch for Endorsement in an 8 – 10 minute video. You need to imagine you’re delivering a product pitch to an audience of stakeholders and investors.

Your pitch can take one of two angles:

  1. Engage and sell your new product feature to the stakeholders and investors, or
  2. Discuss why your new product feature is not a viable investment and the lessons Then you’ll need to convince the stakeholders and investors to provide you with an extension of resources and funds on how you will change your approach to make a new product feature more viable based upon those lessons.

Assessment criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

  1. Define a product and Product Vision Statement, and identify
  2. Tell the data story of your product with success factors and objectives, metrics and targets, and initiative ideas.
  3. Ideate potential product features with results from brainstorming, Kano analysis, competitor analysis and usability testing of a
  4. Draft a business case for the product feature with support from a risk and impact assessment, investment plan, and sales and distribution plan. Justify the key triggers that inform your decision to proceed or walk away from the
  5. Define an MVP, product roadmap and future vision (if the product feature is viable) or a new product feature, lessons learnt/future discovery report and future vision (if the product feature does not prove viable).
  6. Present a succinct and persuasive pitch in a professional manner that reflects your understanding of how to engage stakeholders and

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

  • CLO1: Commercial Acumen - Develop and justify a business case and commercial model to support product recommendation
  • CLO2: Data and Insights - Devise and present a data visualisation to show key insights in support of product recommendation
  • CLO3: Product Innovation – Develop and co-ordinate a process to generate ideas, gather feedback and ideate product solutions using customers and your organisation as key stakeholders

Assessment Details

Create and deliver an 8 – 10 minute “Pitch for Endorsement” for stakeholders and investors in a video presentation. Then submit the recording of your presentation for mentor review as well as your supporting documentation.

Each Milestone you have worked on over the course will form a component of the “Pitch for


As you only have a maximum of 10 minutes to pitch, follow these instructions to make sure your presentation is succinct:

1.        Define a product, Product Vision Statement and identify opportunities.

In Milestone 1, you chose a product you wanted to work on for this course, created a Product Vision Statement and identified opportunities for your product.

At the commencement of your presentation, you need to justify why your product exists:

  • Explain what your product is and briefly discuss your customer definition, market segmentation and value proposition
  • Follow on from this by expressing the vision for your product through your Product Vision Statement, and then
  • Report on at least three opportunities identified for your product with reference to the external/internal drivers you’ve considered, the importance/satisfaction surveys, your value vs. effort matrix and anything information you’ve produced or

2.       Tell the data story of your product with success factors and objectives, metrics and targets, and initiative ideas

Milestone 2 required you to set up your product in a template with success factors, objectives, metrics and targets, influencing factors and idea initiatives.

In this part of your presentation, you need to tell the story of how you aim to achieve your vision:

  • Discuss at least three success factors for your product and how they align tothe Product Vision Statement
  • Discuss at least one objective for each success factor and how it aligns
  • Choose two or more metrics and targets related to your product feature initiative idea and discuss how they will measure progress in achieving the aligned objective
  • Finally, only discuss your product feature initiative idea and discuss how it will impact

two influencing factors and metrics/target for your objective.

3.       Ideate potential product features with results from brainstorming, Kano analysis, competitor analysis and usability testing of a prototype.

In Milestone 3, you wrote a product feature report which referred to evidence of how you came to your current prototype design for your new product feature initiative idea.

In this part of your presentation, you need to tell the story of what your product needs to do to achieve the objective aligned to your product feature:

  • Briefly discuss the prototype of your product feature, how it works and why it will achieve your
  • Briefly discuss how you arrived at your product feature through brainstorming and/or ideation
  • Justify why it’s the best solution based on evidence such your Kano analysis and competitor
  • Discuss one future improvement you’ll make to your prototype based on usability

4.       Create a business case based upon a product risk and impact assessment, investment report, and sales and distribution plan

In Milestone 4, you created your business case with a product risk and impact assessment, investment plan, and sales and distribution plan.

This is the climax of your presentation. You need to discuss the viability of the business case for your product feature:

  • Taking into account your risk and impact assessment, investment plan, and sales & distribution plan, does it stack up to invest time, money and resources into your product feature?
  • If it does, justify the top three reasons why stakeholders and investors should proceed with your new product
  • If it does not, justify the top three reasons why it is not a good idea to proceed with this new product

5.       Define your MVP, product roadmap and scaled product vision OR discuss new product feature, lessons learnt, future discovery and scaled product vision.

In Milestone 5, you either defined your MVP, product roadmap and scaled product vision if you decided to go ahead with your product feature, OR you identified a new OKR and product feature, created a lessons learnt/future discovery report and scaled product vision if you decided to walk away from your product feature.

  • If you’ve decided to go ahead with your product feature:
  • discuss how you’ll use investment for developing the MVP for your product


  • why you’ve chosen this particular feature set
  • one quick win you anticipate upon release
  • what you plan to do with further releases in reference to your road map and why you’ve planned this approach, then
  • finish with an exciting vision for what your product will look like in five

years’ time.


  • If you’ve decided to walk-away from your product feature:
  • discuss your new product feature
  • how it aligns with your new OKR and why you made this decision based upon the lessons you’ve learnt, then
  • you’ll need to convince the stakeholders and investors to provide you with an extension of resources and funds on how you will change your approach to make the product more viable based upon those lessons, and then
  • finish with an exciting vision for what your product will look like in five years’ time.

Remember that your “Pitch for Endorsement” must be 8 – 10 minutes with solid justifications for the decisions you made as well as be professional, engaging and persuasive.

Good luck!

Resources to help you record your presentation

Tool Recommendations
YouTube How to post your video to Youtube - Change video privacy settings
Vimeo How to post your video to Vimeo - Share unlisted videos with private links
Dropbox Dropbox - Upload files from a phone or tablet

 Submission format

OPTION A – Record a physical presentation

Deliver the presentation as if you are physically presenting your strategy to the audience. For example, you might set up in a meeting room as if you are giving a presentation in person and record yourself standing next to a screen, talking through the key points on each slide as you project them onto the screen.

To record, you could use a phone, video recorder, camera, or inbuilt camera on a computer.

OPTION B – Record a screen-share session

Use your laptop/desktop to record your screen and your voice as you click through the slides in your presentation and talk to the key points on each slide. You can include footage of yourself talking directly to your computer camera, or you can simply record your voice over the images on the screen.

To record, use a free screen-capturing program such as QuickTime Player (Mac only) or CamStudio.

Upload your recording to an external service and provide a link as part of your submission so your mentor can view/download the file.

Referencing guidelines

If you source any material from a primary or secondary source, please include the information in your submission. You must acknowledge all the sources of information you have used in your assessments and use RMIT Harvard referencing style for referencing.

Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods
  • Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if This includes material taken from Internet sites

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.

RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

  • Failure to properly document a source
  • Copyright material from the internet or databases
  • Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.

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