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Project Description & Scope of Work:
North East Link will finally connect Melbourne's freeway network between an upgraded Eastern Freeway from Springvale Road to the M80 Ring Road.
It will be a safe and efficient freeway connection for 100,000 vehicles a day, slashing travel times, getting trucks off local roads and linking key growth areas in the north and south-east.
The idea was first considered in 1929. Now the Victorian Government is committed to build the North East Link – Victoria's next priority road project identified by Infrastructure Victoria and the single biggest transport infrastructure investment in Victorian history.
Organization is a facility that allows people to work together effectively to achieve a purpose that is more clear and focused. In the implementation of a project there are elements of implementation and each has the duty and authority in accordance with his position. Organizational structures in a project need to know to explain the relationship of duty, responsibilities and authority of individuals and groups. In the implementation of the project, there are several elements in the project, namely owner, consultants and contractors. Working relations elements of the project are as follows:
Causes of Conflicts and Disputes:
Conflicts can be interpreted a disagreement between two or more members of organizations or groups within the organization that arise because they have to use scarce resources jointly, or carry out activities together, or have the status, goals, values, and perceptions is different.
Although the conflict in the project can be blocking the achievement of one of the parties, but the advantage is as follows:
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