CPCCBC5001 - Written Questions - Assignment Help

Assessment Task 3 - Written Questions

  1. What is the meaning of a ‘Fire Compartment’?
  2. Name four (4) openings of a medium rise buildings that need to be fire-resisting under Volume One of the NCC – Section C for Fire Resistance?
  3. What building structural component is covered by the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4600 - 2005?
  4. What is the Australian Standard for “Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures?”
  5. What are the four (4) main structural principles of load that are applicable to both low rise and medium rise buildings?
  6. Name three (3) objectives of regulating Fire Resistance in medium rise buildings under the NCC?
  7. Under section C3 Fire Resistance, what are the two (2) protection methods applicable to Door openings?
  8. What is the definition of (FRL) Fire Resistance Level in the context of the NCC Volume One and Two? List three (3) criteria.
  9. What are three (3) design factors to be considered to allow people to safely gain access to their work stations in a medium rise building?
  10. What table in the NCC Volume One- Section D – Access & Egress covers the access requirements for people with disabilities?
  11. What is the Australian Standard covering the installation of hose reels in a medium rise building under Section D of the NCC Volume One?
  12. What is the class of the following buildings under the NCC classifications?
A residential part of a hotel or motel.  
An office building used for professional or commercial purposes, excluding buildings of Class 6, 7, 8, or 9.  
A carpark  
A dining room, bar, shop or kiosk part of a hotel or motel.  


  1. Under the NCC Volume One for health and amenities, if a sole occupancy room in a medium rise boarding house has a floor area of 30m2, what is the clear area of glazing in m2 required for natural lighting?
  2. What are the NCC Tables and the Australian Standards applicable to the installation of sprinklers in a medium rise building? List four (4).
  3. What does emergency lighting provide to the occupants of a building when exiting in an emergency situation? List two (2).
  4. What must be prevented in regards to rising damp in a medium rise building? List two (2) factors.
  5. What are the sanitary requirements for medium rise buildings under the guidelines of the NCC Volume One? List four (4).
  6. What are the room height restrictions for the following Class 9C building classifications?
a)       A kitchen, laundry, or the like  
b)      A corridor, passageway, or the like  
c)       A habitable room excluding a kitchen  
  1. An elderly visually impaired tenant has moved in to an apartment on the upper level of a two story apartment building. The apartment building has no lift, and the tenant has tripped on the stairs twice since moving in one week ago.

Further investigation by the building manager has found that tactile indicators are not present in the stairway, and no consideration was made in design phase as to who may occupy the building.

  1. Identify the cause of the design defect, and note which clause from NCC was not properly applied
  2. What is the implication of the design defect on the buildings occupants
  3. Describe the extent of work required to rectify the defect


  1. A newly built commercial office building consisting of ground floor parking, and suspended first floor offices has seen a number of occupying businesses complaining of unpleasant odours throughout the building, and staff reporting headaches on a regular basis.

Further investigation by the building manager has found that the building was initially constructed with open ground floor parking and suspended first floor offices. The parking area was enclosed shortly after a certificate of occupancy was issued, as secure parking would allow the building owner to lease the premises for a larger rental amount.

  1. Identify the cause of the design defect, and note which clause from NCC was not properly applied
  2. What is the implication of the design defect on the buildings occupants
  3. Describe the extent of work required to rectify the defect

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