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For this assignment, you will utilize the Clinical Reasoning Process (Levett-Jones, T, 2013) to think critically about an episode of clinical patient deterioration that you have encountered whilst on clinical placement. You will then write a report demonstrating a systematic approach to clinical problem solving.
Once you have chosen a case study you will need to follow the Clinical Reasoning Process and:
This assignment will enable students to:
v Develop critical thinking skills by using a systematic approach to clinical problem solving.
v Understand how evidence in the literature can inform and underpin nursing practice
v Further develop and utilise skills in literature searching, academic writing, critical analysis, evaluation and referencing.
TASK: Case Study Report
PART 1: Collecting the Clues
Choose a patient that you observed to have a "clinical deterioration" whilst on placement. It can be whilst on your Acute or Aged Care placement. Be wise in your choice of patient and
do not choose a complex event as it will require complex discussion. Your discussion will be given in 3' person using academic writing. Therefore you will not use "I" or "we" to discuss the case study.
sensitive information of the patient must remain confidential, e.g. name, DOB and MRN and does not need to be discussed in the assignment.
v Describe or list facts about the patients reason for admission, including:
nursing notes, handover report or other available information.
v Discuss the events that led to this clinical deterioration: Patient status at the commencement of shift ii.Handover report from the previous shift
Hi. Observations of the patient at the time of deterioration
v Discuss changes that you have observed:
v From your analysis, discuss the most important issue in the clinical deterioration.
v This MUST be supported by evidence from the literature therefore in-text referencing will be evident in the discussion.
PART 2: Planning Care and Evaluating Outcomes
V Interventions must demonstrate patient-centred care and MUST be supported by evidence from the literature therefore in-text referencing will be evident in the discussion.
V These goals can be related to Australian Nursing standards.
V You must decide who is best placed to undertake the
interventions, who should be notified and when.
the situation once the patient has been stabilised. V Discuss how have the observations changed and whether the patient's condition has improved. V Observe the patients current status in order to determine how effective the nursing interventions have been.
V Explore your understanding of what you did or the team did
V Explore the impact that this event had on you.
V Discuss your communication strategies and how effective they were.
V This can be written in 1" person, e.g. "I felt that..."
PART 3: Quality of Written Expression and Conclusion
PART 4: Reference List
Your assignment will also have a reference list at the end. Ensure all references that appear in the Case Study
assignment are listed in your reference list.
The case study involves the clinical scenario of Mrs. Valmai White, a middle-aged women female suffering from Diabetes Mellitus type 2 for almost seven years, and associated many crippling comorbidities as well. She was accommodated to an aged care nursing home when her condition could not be managed at home. This case study includes the case details, personal history, past medical and surgical history, lab investigations, details from the treatment notes, nursing diagnosis, the management, and treatment plan. The case study reviews the nursing interventions and the resulting outcomes after the efforts. Education and training about case management, communication barriers, and a short analysis are given in various parts.
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