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Question & Answers

Case study The Mitchell family

Due date: 20 July 10:00am
Word count: 1000 words

The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate your ability to select key theoretical principles and apply these to the case study.

Task overview:

  1. Apply 1 key principle of crisis intervention to the case study; how does it inform your understanding of the case study? Or how would it shape your practice? (approx. 250 words per principle)
  2. Apply 1 key principle of attachment theory to the case study (please do not select insecure avoidant attachment); how does it inform your understanding of the case study? Or how would it shape your practice? (approx. 250 words per principle)
  3. Apply 1 key principle of feminism to the case study; how does it inform your understanding of the case study? Or how would it shape your practice? (approx. 250 words per principle)
  4. Apply 1 key principle of the strengths perspective theory the case study; how does it inform your understanding of the case study? Or how would it shape your practice? (approx. 250 words per principle)

Please use sub-headings.

You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion.

It is acceptable to write in first person and use personal pronouns such as "I" or "my" in this assessment.

This assessment must be supported by at least 5 academic references. You will need to use topic materials and undertake wider research. APA referencing conventions must be used.

The dropbox to submit the Supplementary Assessment should be available under ‘Assessment’ in Topic Central in FLO.

This assessment will relate to the same case study as Assessment 1 & 2:

Case study: The Mitchell family

Jennifer Mitchell, aged 43 years, lives with her two children, Thomas (13 years) and Amelia (six years). They live in a private rental property in a suburb of a major city.  

Jennifer migrated to Australia from England in her twenties. She met Mark, Thomas and Amelia’s father, a few years later. Three years ago, Mark was made redundant, so accepted some casual work interstate. He was away from home for long periods, and when he returned, Jennifer and Mark argued a lot. They separated 12 months ago. Mark now lives interstate and visits Thomas and Amelia occasionally.

Jennifer is the primary caregiver for Thomas and Amelia and hadn’t been in paid employment since Thomas was born. After she separated from Mark, and Amelia started school, she returned to work as a childcare worker.

Six months ago, Jennifer was involved in a major motor vehicle accident while driving to work. She was in hospital for two months. Thomas and Amelia mostly stayed with Jennifer’s friends during this time. Jennifer has an acquired brain injury and is not able to work or drive. Since the separation and her accident, Jennifer has experienced periods of moderate depression.

Since Jennifer only returned to work for a short period, she doesn’t have significant savings or income protection. Jennifer is receiving some financial support via Centrelink. The hospital social worker helped Jennifer to register with the National Disability Insurance Scheme and she is on a waiting list to determine whether she is eligible to receive funding.

Their landlord has informed Jennifer that the lease will not be renewed, as they wish to sell the property. The lease ends in one month. There are limited private rental properties in the area and rent has increased significantly in the last few years. With help from her friends, Jennifer has applied for a few rental properties, but the applications have been unsuccessful since she’s not currently employed. Jennifer went to Housing SA but was told that there is a ten-year waiting period. Jennifer is hesitant to move away from her friends and her doctor. She doesn’t know where they will live when the lease ends.  

Thomas has recently started high school. He has been busy caring for his Mum and Amelia. He does much of the cooking and cleaning. He is often tired at school and has trouble concentrating. His teachers are concerned that he’s falling behind.

Since the accident, going to school has become very distressing for Amelia. When Jennifer’s friend picks Amelia up in the mornings, she becomes very upset, and screams and cries for hours. Jennifer often allows her to stay home. At times Amelia is inseparable from her Mum. At other times, she plays alone in her room for hours. Amelia says that she misses her Dad. 

Expert's Answer

Answer 1:

The main principle that is applicable on this case study is the first principle of crisis intervention. The first one indicates to “mobilize a crisis intervention team in response to a significant critical incident, then actively implement the most appropriate crisis intervention tactics in response to observable signs or reported symptoms (evidence of need) of distress and/or dysfunction” (Everly, 2000, p. 2).

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