Case Study Report Task
- A 3000-5000 word case study report (excluding references). References should be Harvard style
- Identify a firm that has leveraged value from its IT. This must be an actual organization, and
not a hypothetical firm to be used for illustrating any of the conceptual frameworks. You must draw on public domain information about this firm (news stories, articles in business magazines etc.). Try not to replicate a published case study.
- Analyze how the firm leveraged value from IT by using as many of the conceptual tools you have learnt in this subject. At a minimum, you must use:
o Conceptual frameworks for strategy (e.g., Porter’s Five Forces Model)
o Conceptual frameworks for strategic alignment (including business-IT alignment) o Conceptual frameworks for specifying business models (including the Business
Model Canvas)
- Your report must include the following sections:
o Introduction
o Background on the firm (including what is known about its history)
o How the firm leveraged competitive value from IT (using the headings listed above).
o Your recommendations on how the firm might continue and/or expand its strategic IT initiatives
o Conclusions
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