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Case Study Assignment

Case Study

DR Alarms is an SMB (Small or Medium Business) based in the Central West of NSW. It originally started some years ago as a manufacturer of car alarms, but has since diversified into home and small business security systems, as well as monitoring and alarm systems for Industrial Control Systems (ICS). It has recently developed a new series of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring devices that can be used to monitor a range of different activities outside an organisation’s network.

Recently, the company’s expertise in developing ICS monitoring systems has seen it win a number of increasingly large contracts from both State Governments and Industry. However, the innovative IoT monitoring devices have excited a lot of interest from the Australian Government, as well as from foreign governments and companies.

The company is in the process of developing a new generation of IoT monitoring systems that have attracted considerable interest from some major industrial companies in Australia and overseas. The Engineering Manager is concerned about the designs for these new devices being stolen or hacked, and is concerned that they may not have sufficient security to protect their intellectual property (IP) in their Bathurst Data Centre. The Engineering Manager thinks that the new IoT designs and systems specifications should be stored in a more secure location, such as in a Public Cloud like AWS or Azure. He also wants to develop a portal that would allow prospective and existing customers to detail the specifications for IoT monitoring problems that they have. This would then allow DR Alarms to design specific solutions for each customer.

The DR Alarms Managing Director is still not entirely convinced that all this is really necessary, as he thinks that the firm is “just too small to attract this sort of attention”. But, after much discussion, he wants you to develop a proposal for some security policies to protect their IoT portal, IoT designs and customer details and data in the Cloud, just in case they win a government contract.


You have been engaged to develop a data protection and privacy strategy for the DR Alarms IoT portal, designs, IP and data.

You are to write a report that proposes appropriate policies for DR Alarms in the following areas:

  1. Develop a Data protection and privacy strategy proposal for the DR Alarms IoT portal. The strategy should consider the threats and risks to both Privacy and data protection for customer

data that is collected in the portal. It must consider the possible controls to mitigate the identified risks. (30 marks)

  1. Develop a strategy to protect the IoT monitoring specifications and IoT design data that is created in the portal. The strategy should consider the threats and risks to IoT design data as well as customer IoT specification data that is collected in the portal. It must consider the possible controls to mitigate the identified risks. (30 marks)
  2. Discuss what cloud and/or other controls you would recommend to keep the portal free from foreign interference, hacking, DDOS attacks or other activities designed to compromise the portal. (20 marks)
  3. Develop a PowerPoint or Google slides presentation that gives a comprehensive overview of these three (3) tasks in a maximum of 30 slides. (20 marks)

You are to submit the following documents to complete this assessment:

  • A PowerPoint or Google slides presentation that gives a comprehensive overview of the three (3) tasks.
  • The presentation should be a maximum of 30 slides, including introduction, conclusions and recommendations.
  • Each slide should have speaking notes in the Notes section which expand on the information in the slide.
  • The slides should give refer to the additional information contained in the appendices.
  • Images and quotations used in slides must be referenced on that slide.
  • The slide deck must have a full reference list. The reference list is not counted as part of the 30 slide limit.

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