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Reflection is the activity of making sense about the events, experiences practices, actions, or situations that occur in the past. Reflection on practice is an important skill of nursing that helps the nurses to make sense of their practice experience and improve their practice according to it (Gausvik et al., 2015). In this essay, the reflection on the care plan, made for two case studies, will be done by utilizing John's reflective model (Miraglia & Asselin, 2015).
The nursing care plan was made for the two case studies. The first case study was about a 70 years old male named Nicholas Noble who was BIBA to ED due to the list of sensation and movement in the right arm and slurred speech. Computer tomography of brain (CTB) suggested mild trophy which could be age-related. Nil other concerns were found at CT of the head. Impression for admission was a transient ischemic attack (TIA) related to cardiac history. Other past medical history includes COPD with CO2 retention, IHD, PVD, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiac stunts, mild chronic kidney disease, and elevated BMI. Care plan for Nicholas Noble was to admit in cardiology ward, do ECG, repeat CTB after two days, refer to speech pathology for review, Nil by mouth until reviewed by a speech pathologist, administering IVF, frequent vital signs with neurological observations, alteration in calling criteria related to COPD, physiotherapist referral for cognitive changes and risk assessment and interventions for DVT.
The second case study was about 79 years old lady Thi Minh Tran, who was BIBA with increased confusion and pyrexia related to sepsis secondary to UTI. Her past medical history contains hypertension, hyperlipidemia, falls, and breast cancer with a left mastectomy and nodal clearance. Plan for her includes full septic screening, IVC, IVF, IV antibiotics, alteration in calling criteria, hourly vital signs on the right arm due to left mastectomy and nodal clearance, refer to MO for hypotension, inpatient special and dietician review, medication administration.
The care plan for the patients was made by utilizing the guidelines, policies, academic articles, and personal experience during the placement in hospitals.
For any care plan, identifying the needs of the patient are very important (Wang et al., 2015). At the start, I was confused regarding the needs of the patients due to the patient's complex condition. I read different academic articles and guidelines regarding providing care to patients with TIA and UTI. After identifying the needs of the patients, I was confident in making the care plan by keeping in mind the safety of the patient and providing quality clinical health care. Collaborating with the multi-disciplinary teams to make a holistic care plan according to the need of the patients was also a challenge. Overall, I am satisfied that I made a holistic care plan by keeping in mind the safety of patients and the quality of clinical practice.
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