BUSS 3108 Organisational Entrepreneurship - Section 2 Reflection on Own Learning Process

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My concept about entrepreneurship and innovation has evolved after attending weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9. I have acknowledged several types of entrepreneurship during these learning weeks. Being a part of these environments have influenced me and evolved my entrepreneurial skills. 

Week 3 was my most enlightening week of learning that made me fully focused on becoming a social entrepreneur. This is the best business approach to balance money and mission with ease and at an equal level (Miller, Wesley & Williams, 2012). I was almost attached with improving the society and welfare of its people. I think it is the social enterprise that makes use of the earned revenue for implementing the resources to serve the people and solve the ecological and societal issues (Rosenblatt, 2014).  But, I feel that I need to learn ways to weave money around my mission because I am not an expert in developing a good business model design that is most imperative in social entrepreneurship. Some activities during this week were focused on instilling and developing creative skills in us (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). I was quite motivated from these activities as creativity can help me in attaining this skill. I need to learn to engage people by leading (like to develop talent in community), owning (volunteer involvement), contributing (like donations), endorsing (being a part of some social activities), following (like following RSS feeds) and observing (got to hear from someone) styles (Rosenblatt, 2010). With social entrepreneurship I can instil and sustain social innovation to support my society and people. 

The shift to week 5 exposed me to academic, disciplined and scientist entrepreneurships. I am most fascinated about scientist entrepreneurs as they navigate difficult pathway from the laboratory towards the market with determination, passion and integrity all at the same time. I agree that this is attainable when there is strong partnership.  The learning activities were highly teamwork based that instilled this formula inside me (Foo et al., 2016). I observed that such entrepreneurs know how to research, begin from where others have ended, are really logical, embrace risk and value failure as a mode of learning from mistakes. I think the best part is that such entrepreneurs leverage others to open up fully and define best results (Read Ferris, 2017). My understanding states that the disciplined entrepreneurship changes the way one actually thinks about beginning a company. It is to breakdown the entire process in comprehensive and integrated steps to come out with innovative products for customers. I am a fan of Aulet (2013)’s 24-step framework defining this entrepreneurship. I think can combine scientist entrepreneurship with my social entrepreneurship to attain great heights. 

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