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BUSM 4095 Comprehensive Essay HRM

Individual Essay – Critically evaluate and discuss (a) the evolution of strategic Human Resource Management (b) the roles of HR professionals and (c) the application of ONE HR concepts in real-life organisations.

Due Date: 1 December 2020

Essay Guidelines

Part 1

Students must research and provide a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of strategic human resource management and the different roles of Human Resource practitioners.

Part 2

In Part 2, students must research the contribution of HR professionals to the achievement of the objectives of contemporary organisations. From the list below, choose one Human Resource Management function:

(a) Recruitment (b) Selection (c) Training and development (d) Performance management

Discuss the application of your chosen HR function in contemporary organisations. Critically evaluate the contribution of HR professionals to the management of the chosen function. You must also highlight the current challenges that HR professionals face in dealing with your chosen function.

Both Part 1 and Part 2 of the essay must be submitted as ONE document on CANVAS on 1 December 2020.

Support your essay with examples from real-life organisations taking into consideration any influences from the external environment.  For this essay, you must use the following sources:

  1. Primary sources: You may interview an HR professional or any Manager dealing with HR matters.
  2. Secondary sources: Textbooks, peer-reviewed journals and articles and reliable internet sources

Marking Criteria:

You must be mindful of the amount of time you need to undertake this assessment. An effective time management is highly recommended.

This Assessment Task will enable you to meet the following Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyse and apply the scope and purpose of human resource management in diverse organisational contexts.
  2. Critically evaluate, apply and HRM models that meet the needs of various organizational contexts.
  3. Critically analyse and apply emerging strategic HRM in a changing business environment and workplace to maintain current policies and procedures.
  4. Analyse and align HR systems and processes to leadership strategies and objectives in contemporary organization to promote best practice in HR performance.
  5. Identify and evaluate key organisational approaches to improving HR outcomes for both the organisation and its employee
  6. Critically analyse employee-employer issues using relevant ethical and legal processes and approaches to solve problems

A minimum of ten (10) academic references are required for this assessment task. The detailed guide to this assessment task will be available on CANVAS. Students MUST cite those references both in-text and the List of References. Penalty will apply for non-compliance.

Zero (0) mark will be allocated for Assessment Task 2 if NO in-text and List of References are cited.

Word Count Guideline: 2500-3000 words (maximum)

Submission Instructions: Via Turnitin

Keep in mind:

  1. Assignment Contents:
  2. Introduction identifies and describes the nature and purpose of the assignment

Main points previewed:

Comprehensive purpose and significance of the main points are clearly explained and signposted through the essay structure.

  1. Evaluation of one HRM function model/theory:

1.Prescribed textbook + current peer reviewed journal articles used to present findings:

Ten (10) or more references used, including recommended textbook.

  1. Critical examination of the assumptions and propositions of the literature relevant to the model/theory selected:

Information gathered is particularly relevant enabling depth and knowledge that are particularly pertinent demonstrating depth of research

  1. Application of the model to diagnose the selected organisation
  2. Elements of the Concept/theory applied, Compare and contrast the elements of HRM literature with the findings of the research; Is the model useful in diagnosing the organisation; What are the main areas for improvement that could be addressed with targeted specific recommendations? :

All aspects of the model applied to the topic; insightful evaluation each aspect and causal links discussed in depth. Outstanding discussion on a) the findings from the research; b) Comparison between the literature and the findings

  1. Conclusion – main points summarised and linked to discussion:

Comprehensive, clear and concise summary provided.

  1. Referencing & Presentation:

Use of research and writing skills:

Language is appropriate: reflects academic level and is neither-colloquial, nor opinion-based. In-text citations Draws on appropriate academic literature.

Complete and correct reference list in Harvard Style Grammar and mechanics (e.g. spelling and punctuation) are accurate. Within word limit. Presentation clear and in essay format

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