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Business Report Assignment

Assignment Title

Your name (First + Last) Your Student number

Course code and title Due date

Give a brief outline of the report in full (around 200 words).

Describe the purpose of the report:

  • What was the problem/issue?
  • What were the major findings?
  • What is the conclusion drawn from the report?
  • What are your recommendations?

[This section will include relevant headings and sub-headings of the discussion] 

NOTE: Headers and Footers (including page numbers) should only appear on pages that follow the TOC. DO NOT include them on the Title page, Executive Summary page, or TOC page.


  1. Set the scene - give some background information about the topic
  2. State the purpose/aim of the report
  3. Outline the structure (what you will be discussing within the report)

NOTE: An introduction is not the same as an executive summary!

The executive summary SUMMARISES the entire report. The introduction provides background info about the topic and outlines the structure of the report, but does not give details of findings or recommendations.


  • Main body of the report where you present the arguments for your recommendations
  • Present your arguments in a logical order using appropriate headings and


  • Make sure your headings and sub-headings stand out from the body text so they are easy to identify
  • Use as many headings and sub-headings needed to logically arrange the arguments. However, do not use too many or else your report will look ‘chunky’ with lots of little sections of text.
  • Include every heading and sub-heading in the TOC

NOTE: You do not need to start the discussion on a new page. Just continue from where the introduction ends.


  • Very brief summary of your report & judgment
    • What has been achieved?
    • What is the significance of your discussion?

NOTE: You do not need to start the conclusion on a new page. Just continue from where the discussion ends.


  • Explicitly state what your recommendations are following your conclusion
  • This should be a separate section to the conclusion
  • This section can be written in paragraph format, or in bullet points

NOTE: You do not need to start the recommendations on a new page. Just continue from where the conclusion ends.

Reference List

  • A complete list of ALL sources used
  • List in alphabetical order
  • Use HARVARD referencing style (follow correct format)
  • Any reference given in the reference list MUST ALSO feature in-text (do not include any references that have not been included in-text)
  • List references alphabetically with clear spacing between each

NOTE: The Reference List MUST be presented on a new page.

Appendices (if applicable)

  • Any information used in your report but not included in the body
    • Graphs, charts, tables, any other data

Expert's Answer

Group work is always beneficial for the growth of the members and the overall outcome of the project. You always get to learn so many things and skills. However, every group has to face certain challenges and then develop gradually in stages. Group work is like a roller coaster ride with certain ups and downs. There are many challenges, conflicts, and other issues that could affect performance. Each group member has different traits and styles of working on a similar thing. Each member has a different way of learning. Therefore, one needs to understand these things about their group members to work effectively.

I also had the opportunity to work in a group for a project. The following sections of the report give a detailed analysis of the stages my group went through using Tuckman’s theory. Also, I assessed the leadership traits possessed by each of my group members using OCEAN theory. Then different learning styles are being analyzed. The basic purpose is to see the impact the individuals brought on the group’s overall performance. Later, an assessment of the group’s resolution has been done along with the challenge for the team to see the impact of power and influence in getting project outcomes especially after understanding its importance after COVID-19. The report is then concluded with the benefits this group project had for me and the things I got to learn through this project which would help me in the future as well.

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