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BUS8405 Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Management

  Assessment Description Weighting Due Date Learning Outcome Assessed
1 Research Proposal 20% 11 APR 9am

(Week 6)

1 & 2
2 Research Report 50% 15 JUN

9am (Week 15)

1,2 & 3
3 Seminar 30% Week 9

to be confirmed in Week 3

1,2 & 3
Total Weighting 100%  

Please see the assessment briefings starting on page 9 of this Course Outline

It is strongly recommended that you keep a copy of all assessments that you submit, together with evidence of when it was submitted and how.

Tutors will provide feedback via completed marking of assessments within 15 working days of the assignment due date.

During the trimester, you can see your marks online via the institute’s APlus+ Student Module system at www. . All marks are provisional and will be finalised at the end of the trimester.

Be aware that all written assessment work will be scanned through the plagiarism detection software Turnitin and will be retained by the institute for future quality assurance purposes.

Grade Schedule (applied to both assessment results and course grades)

Achievement Description Grade Grade Point Mark Range



Learning outcomes met. Proficient in the most difficult concepts, theories and skills. Is able to integrate concepts, theories and skills, and recognise the links and relationships between them. Is able to adapt and apply concepts, theories and skills to new situations, and to formulate and evaluate new ideas.  
















Learning outcomes met. Is able to use and apply the fundamental theories, concepts and skills of the learning outcomes to a wide range of problems, going beyond mere replication of content knowledge or skill. Shows an understanding of key ideas, awareness of their relevance, some use of analytical skills and some originality.  















Learning outcomes met. Has a basic grasp of factual content, theories, concepts and issues, and/or performance of basic skills to a level that would allow continuation of study in the area or to carry out work requiring these skills. C+ 3 60–64






Not Achieved Did not achieve one or more learning outcomes. D 0 0–49
Ungraded Fail Ungraded Fail. One or more course requirements not met. F 0 ---


  1. You are required to hand in assignments on the date and times specified in this course If an assignment is not handed in by the due date a mark of zero will be recorded.
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment complies with the Whitireia policy relating to plagiarism as stated in its Assessment Misconduct Policy (see below for more details).
  3. If you are unable to attend a test or exam due to circumstances outside your control, you should inform your tutor that you are applying for an aegrotat The aegrotat assessment application for is available from the Programme Administration Team on level 2. The completed form and accompanying medical certificate or other evidence of your circumstances should be submitted to the Programme Manager no later than five (5) working days after the date of the assessment. For further details, please refer to the Programme Handbook.
  4. All students are required to complete and attach the assignment cover sheet (provided by your lecturer) for each written assessment (other than tests and exams). The cover sheet requires you to declare that the assignment complies with the Whitireia New Zealand policy relating to plagiarism as stated in the Assessment Misconduct

For policies on Extensions, Resubmissions, remarks, and Leave of Absence, please see the Programme Handbook.

Academic Misconduct

Citation & Referencing

Citing the sources of your ideas and Referencing those citations is one of the most important academic processes for students to understand. There are several reasons for this:

  1. To distinguish honestly between your ideas and someone else's.
  2. To let assessors see the range and quality of your reading for a particular assessment. It indicates that you have done appropriate research for your

3.       To direct readers to the sources you used for further information.

Students are required to acknowledge their sources cited in the text of their assignment or essay by using a recognised referencing style, and to provide a complete reference list at the end of each assignment.

Whitireia programmes use the American Psychological Society (APA) referencing style. A Guide to APA referencing is available on Whitireia Online (Moodle) System ( ) or at Whitireia Library. The library staff also provides information on referencing through workshops. The Library and Student Support staff also provide information on referencing through workshops. If you have any doubts, ask for help. As postgraduate students our assumption is that you will be already familiar with academic requirements for academic honesty, the citation of sources, and referencing these sources. Remember - If you need help or are in doubt, ASK !

Failure to cite your sources of information and ideas is a form of cheating and therefore academic misconduct.


Acknowledging the ideas and contributions to your assessments from other people is a matter of intellectual honesty. Failing to do so is a form of academic misconduct.

Plagiarism includes taking and using another person’s work as your own without proper acknowledgment, such as:

·         copying the work of another student

  • copying directly from publications or the internet without acknowledgement

·         summarising or paraphrasing another’s work without acknowledgement

  • using data or results obtained by another person without their acknowledge or acknowledgement

All individual assignments must be your own work written in your own words and include a list of the references you used during the writing. Discussion and assistance between students who are working in groups is encouraged, but all work handed in must be your own work except for specific assignments that are based on group achievement. To reinforce this, you are required to sign the declaration on the cover sheet of each assignment. 

Be aware that Whitireia uses the plagiarism detection software called Turnitin and that all written assignments will be submitted to Turnitin as per the instructions in Moodle or given to you by your lecturer. Lecturers will not accept work that includes plagiarism, and you may be penalised by losing marks, or failing an assessment, or in severe and repeated cases being suspended from study. So do not take someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledging where they came from. Many lecturers will also limit how much of an assignment can be in the form of quotations. If in doubt, ask your lecturer.


Assessment 1: Research Proposal

Due Dates: 11th April 2020 , 9am
Weighting: 20 %
Type: Individual
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2
Word limit: 2,000 words +/- 10%

 Select a contemporary issue in hospitality that interests you and write a proposal to research the scale and scope of the issues and investigate the measures being taken to address it. You also need to research what is being done in other business areas to generate additional ways the problem/issue could be addressed. Please refer to Page 17 for possible topics.

Your research proposal needs to include a literature review to define the issue you are wanting to research and its importance to the industry. 10 references from either academic journal articles or academic books are required. From this you need to clearly state your research question.

Then you need to present the methodology you intend to use. Please note that due to scale and time constraints, you will have to limit yourself to secondary data only. Your methodology should cover the data source/s you intend to use, how you will sample them and how you will analyse the data you gather. You also need to include a timeline of how you will do the work.

For more information please have a look at the marking guide on page 10.

Assessment 2: Research Report

Due Dates:                                                             15th June 2020, 9am

Marks:                                                                      100

Weighting:                                                             45 %

Type:                                                                        Individual

Learning outcomes assessed:                        1, 2 & 3

Word limit:                                                          2,500 – 3,000 words


Report the findings of your research project. You will need to introduce the research question/s, give a review of the relevant literature (at least 10 academic journal articles*), present the methodology and then present and discuss your findings. From there you need to draw conclusions, make recommendations and/or suggestions for further research.

Please note while you may use some of the same academic journal articles as you did in your proposal, you must write a new literature review. Likewise, as your proposed methods may not be exactly in your research proposal, you need to write your methods section again.

Important: Collection of primary data (interview and/or surveys) is *not* permitted for this assessment. Any material from collected from primary research will not be marked and you will be subject to disciplinary measures as outlined in the Programme Handbook, up to and including expulsion from the Programme.

*If you are using a literature review as your method, you must review at least another 15 articles in addition to the ones you used for your proposal in Assessment 1.

Assessment 3: SeminarItalicised statements depict more weightage in the marks.

Due Dates:                                                          Dates to be confirmed

Marks:                                                                   50 marks for presentation content 20 marks exercise content

30 marks for presentation skills

Weighting:                                                          30 %

Type:                                                                     Individual

Learning outcomes assessed:                     1, 2 & 3

Prepare and present a seminar. The possible seminar topics are shown in the table below, you must select a topic you are *not* researching for your main research project. Only two people will be able to present each topic and sign up will happen in Week 3 in class.

Each seminar session will be 25 – 35 minutes. In this time you will need to present a 15 - 20 minute summary of the topic, then lead a 10 - 15 minute discussion or exercise involving the rest of the class.

Your presentation must refer to at least 4 academic journal articles as well as practical examples from news articles and industry publications. You can also draw on your own experiences. The summary must give the audience sufficient detail from the articles that they can apply the information and theories to other situations.

The activity/discussion needs to allow you to determine if your classmates have understood the material you have presented and the broader issues. You may use case studies, poster creation, role plays or any other method you feel is appropriate.

You will be graded for both content and presentation/poise. You will also be graded on your ability to keep your classmates involved and on task. Please refer to the marking guides on the following pages for further details.

New Markets Staffing Technology Sustainability
Asian boom Recruitment/retention Social media Slow tourism
Aging population Zero hours Mobile Food security
Increasing diversity Education/training Data analytics/Big data Slow food
      Green hotels

Expert's Answer

Hoteliers and investors have been progressively made aware of how the social and environment activities impacts the hotel procedures and improvements during the recent decade (Ottenbacher, Harrington, & Parsa, 2009).

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