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Type: Project, individual (weighting: 40%)
Due: W15 / Wednesday, 10th June 2020 / 11:59 pm
Learning outcome assessed: 3 and 4 (ref. p. 5 of course outline)
LO3: Formulate and evaluate communication strategies for a target market using findings and recommendations of current research
LO4: Justify the selection of a communication strategy for a target market and a desired market position.
Write a report from your secondary research and critically evaluates the marketing communication strategies for the chosen organization (same as A1 and A2). Your discussion should make reference to relevant advanced and contemporary IMC theories and practices.
Justify the chosen organization comprehensive integrated marketing communication (IMC) campaign by analysing media data for the target market, and justify selected IMC strategy on the basis of reach, impact, and a positive return on investment. The IMC strategy should take into account all potential channels and tactics but not limited to:-
Ultimately, the report should be based on your research into/analysis of the situation, target audience needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by the sustainable fashion brand.
The topic remains the same as A1 and A2 – sustainable fashion consumption behaviour of a specific target market in New Zealand.
that the IMC campaign is on track toward achieving the objective(s).
Page layout
Header contains course code, trimester, assignment, and student id numbers, and word count; footer contains page number.
Title and headings
On a separate line. Title is centre aligned, upper case, and bold. Section headings are up to two levels; distinguish the levels typographically very clearly (e.g., Level 1: normal font + bold, Level 2: italics); capitalise only the first letter of the initial word in headings.
Twelve font size (except for illustrations and appendices1) and 1.5 line spacing everywhere; and leave an empty line after a paragraph. Word limit: 3,000 ≤ finished work ≤ 3,500.
5 ≤ scholarly journal articles ≤ 8 to compare findings from the present research conducted to the findings of past research cited in earlier A1 and A2. Use available public and secondary research in developing background for your report. In additional, prefer relevant, recent, and influential scholarly resources and credential resources like corporate website and commercial publications (e.g., business magazines, press, editorial, etc.) are acceptable. Use the APA 6 style for the formatting of source acknowledgements within the text and in entries to the reference list.
Measures including Turnitin similarity report must indicate the uniqueness ofyour intellectual produce (also see information on Turnitin in the box below).Utilise paraphrasing and summarising skills to ensure the content of your paperis original.
We encourage students to use Turnitin as a learning tool and allow multiple submissions until due so that they could observe their creations for possible weaknesses and make necessary improvements in quality. It is strongly recommended that you use this opportunity and aim to submit a final version that is edited at least once after receiving feedback from Turnitin.
You will submit two files, each into a separate box online. Submit report viaTurnitin; resubmissions are possible until the due; do not include a cover page,the online submission box displays the assignment cover-page information.Submit Excel data file via Moodle; one-time upload is allowed, no resubmission for the data file. By uploading an assignment, students declare that their workcomplies with the Whitireia New Zealand policy relating to plagiarism as statedin the Assessment Misconduct Policy (see pp. 6-7 of the course outline).
Important! If an assessment is not submitted on time by the prescribed process, a mark of zero will be
recorded. For further details, see the ‘Extensions’ sectionin the Programme Handbook.
Reliance on Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) approach is needed for all brands to assure that target consumers are approached in effective way and are better engaged with the brand. MacPac also makes substantial reliance on IMC strategy, whereby brand makes use of both traditional as well as contemporary channels of communication.
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