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Question & Answers

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices


  • You need to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in ALL the assessments items to be granted a ‘Competent’ grade in the unit.
  • In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade in any assessment task, you will be given three (3) attempts to resubmit your assessment. Your trainer will be available to assist you in any areas of difficulty. Please discuss the assessment with your trainer to seek advice on how you can achieve competency in the unit.
  • Where relevant, oral questions may be asked to gather more information on your knowledge, skills and competence in the unit.
  • A holistic approach is used to assess your skills relevant to this qualification.  The skills are assessed across the different units offered within this qualification. Where a skill relevant to this unit is not assessed within this assessment pack, please note that the skill will be assessed in another unit.

ASSESSMENT 1- Theory questions

Answer the following questions in 50-100 words each

Part A

  1. Do you think the study of sustainability is important? Why or why not?
  2. What is the “Brundtland Definition" of sustainability?
  3. Explain the three pillars of sustainability?
  4. What is the difference between the traditional thinking and ‘interconnected thinking’ about sustainability?
  5. Give five examples of what humans can do to live more sustainably?
  6.  Explain any TWO of the six principles of sustainability in your own words
  7. What is ISO 14000?
  8. What is the purpose of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999?
  9. What is the difference between a ‘carbon footprint’ and ‘ecological footprint’?
  10. List FOUR potential environmental hazards at your workplace
  11. What are some of the ways you can ‘live green’ on a daily basis? List 5.
    1. Do you think global warming is real? 
    2. Why or why not?  Give reasons and examples to support your answer


Plan for improving work practices for sustainability

This assessment has TWO parts.


For this assessment, you need to think about your workplace. If you are not working, you can use ACTB as your workplace.

Respond to the questions below

  1. Identify some of the likely impacts your workplace has on the environment
  1. For this assessment you can use your workplace or ACTB. Complete the following survey

Name of Organisation:



Are the lights left on in rooms that no one is using
Computers left on all of the time
Dripping taps in kitchen/bathroom
Broken doors/windows letting in cold/hot air
Single sided copying
Broken toilets constantly running
Air conditioners left on overnight
Lots of spare documents not in use
Printing all emails without checking them
Waste paper around photocopier areas


  1. Complete the table below:

Potential environmental hazards

Types of environmental hazards Risk posed

Why are they hazardous?

Possible solution

What possible solutions can you implement to minimise their impact?

Water Pollution  
Air Pollution  
Toxic Waste    
Soil Pollution    


Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow

Staples is a small recruitment firm located in the CBD.  It has 4 Reception staff and 3 Recruitment Staff.    The staff at Staples print all their emails and then file them manually daily.  The reception staff often print emails and interview papers for candidates without checking their work and then find mistakes and have to print again.  They recruitment staff print extra training manuals and don’t end up using them.  There are always big piles of unwanted paper left around the printer that usually gets thrown away at the end of each day.   The staff all leave the computers on after their shift each day and overnight.  The staff are in dispute with the office temperature daily, and the reception staff think its too cold and they open their office window whilst the air-conditioner is on.  Some staff put the air-conditioner on 18 degrees daily as the open window lets all the cool air out.   There is some electrical equipment which is very old and not been maintained and the staff use on a daily basis, like a laminator, a printer, and an electric labeller.  These items use a lot of electricity, as they are old and frayed.   The average use of paper should be around 1 -2 reams a day.  And the average electricity use should be approximately 30 Kws per day.

The owner has currently asked all staff to look at ways to reduce the use of excessive paper, and electricity in the office.    Staples staff have been measuring the use of these resources in the past five days and the results are shown in the table below:

Resource Being Measured: Paper in Staples Office Electricity in Staples Office
Period: 5 Days 5 Days
Day 1 2 reams 48.2 Kws
Day 2 4 reams 56 Kws
Day 3 3 reams 39 Kws
Day 4 4 reams 69.3 Kws
Day 5 3 reams 49.4 Kws
Total: 21 reams 261.9 Kws


  1. Identify one resource where improvements can be made at Staples work practice and record your recommendations in the Environmental Improvement Plan Template below:

Environmental Improvement Plan

Name of Organisation:
Usage Recorded in total for 5 days
List 5 ways you can improve sustainability practices at Staples
After the implementation of your recommendations what do you believe is the estimated future usage over same period :


  1. You are assigned a task to reduce the printer paper use in Staples office. Describe how you would seek input from your work colleagues to implement a paper reduction initiative.
  2. Develop an Action Plan for improving sustainability practices at Staples workplace


How will you implement your above actions in Staples office Who is Responsible for this Action Due Date


  1. Complete the table below


List the top 5 actions you will take to improve sustainability practices at Staples (you can use the same actions  as you have listed in Q 5 above) Set specific efficiency targets for improvements What methods or techniques will you use to measure improvement?


Who will you report the results to and why? What will you do if efficiency targets are not achieved?



  1. What techniques and tools can Staples staff use to improve sustainability practices at Staples in the future? List at least 5 techniques and tools.
  2. Why is consultation important at Staples to achieve efficiency targets?
  3. Design a poster for your work that reminds people to live ‘green’ ie: reduce use of lights, water, paper, etc


  1. Go to this link to watch a video:

Answer the questions below after watching the video from the above link

  1. What was the world’s population 1000 years ago?
  2. What is the world’s population now?
  3. How many people did Africa and Europe have combined 1000 years ago?
  4. In which countries/region do most people live?
  5. In what year did the world’s population reach to 1 billion

Research Activity:

  1. Research and write at least 3 impacts of over population to our environment. Please explain all 3 impacts in detail.

Impact 1:

Impact 2:

Impact 3:

Expert's Answer

  1. Do you think the study of sustainability is important? Why or why not?


Ans.     Sustainability can be defined as environmental preservation to create a better environment for future generation (Rezaee et al, p. 2, 2019). The term ‘sustainability’ though is used among varied segments of life like business, health, wealth or power, but commonly it refers to the preservation of our resources and environment.

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