BSBPWD502 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence - Assignment Help

Short Answer Questions

Question 1
Outlined below are the attributes of emotional intelligence. Identify at least two ways of applying each attribute in the workplace.
Question 2
Answer the following questions on the principles of emotional intelligence using your own words.  
  1. Describe the principle of self-awareness.
  1. Identify and briefly explain the three competencies of self-awareness.

Competencies identified here refer to the observable skills required to demonstrate self-awareness.

Question 3
Identify at least two strategies for using emotional intelligence. For each identified strategy, identify at least two methods. Briefly explain each identified method for each strategy.
Question 4
The following are different scenarios depicting employees from two different backgrounds. Read through each scenario and identify at least one strategy that can be used to communicate with each employee effectively.
Scenario 1

Takashi is working as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He is an excellent and efficient employee seen in his work ethic and the feedback from members of the fitness centre. He tends to be quiet during work-related events such as meetings and lunch outs. He also relies on non-verbal signals such as facial expressions and body language to convey his responses to his workgroup members. He often avoids eye contact with his workgroup members due to social anxiety.

Communication Strategy
Scenario 2

Michael works as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He is very direct, clear, transparent, and open about work-related matters. He is also easily frustrated when something doesn’t go his way. When frustrated, Michael makes unnecessary comments about his workgroup members’ work ethics, causing some colleagues to view him as rude and aggressive.

Communication Strategy
Question 5
Below are two principles of emotional intelligence. For each area:

§  Identify at least one method of promoting the principle of emotional intelligence in other people.

§  Briefly explain how the method promotes the area of emotional intelligence in other people.

Question 6
Briefly explain how emotional intelligence improves workplace relationships.

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