BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change

Class discussion questions:

Question 1:  What are the key elements in a change management strategy?

Question 2:  How to conduct an environmental analysis? 

Question 3:  What is Return-on-investment analysis?

Question 4:  What are the key considerations in reviewing change requirements?

Question 5: Explain the purpose of a change management project plan.

Question 6: What is a communication or education plan? Who should be consulted in the preparation of a communication or education plan?

Question 7: Prepare a list of key resources that can be assigned to a project.

Question 8: What are the basic things to consider in reporting?

Question 9: Prepare a list of the most common barriers to the implementation of change management.

Question 10: What are the different organisational performance metrics used to evaluate organisational performance?

Question 11: What are the key parameters for measuring the performance of communication or education plan?

Class Activities:

Activity 1: 

This activity can be completed in a group. Discuss the following;

Document the responses in the template below,

Why is it importantto analyse an organisation’s objectives when identifying change requirements or opportunities?
Explain two (2) different types of strategic changes required as a result of an analysis of organisational objectives.
Assume that the organisation where you work has a new strategic objective related to the introduction of new technology. It will be used throughout the organisation to perform day to day tasks and will affect the employees. Identify the type of policies and practices that may need to be reviewed.

 Activity 2: 

This activity can be completed in a group. When conducting the activity, you are required to discuss within the group the following;

Document the responses in the template below:

Using the PESTLE analysis tool, identify three current factors in each category that affect (or may potentially affect) your industry sector.

  Current factors


Identify any two factors that can result in a change in an organisation

Area Factor 1 Factor 2
Management decision    


Activity 3:

A business has grown, and the manual accounting system needs to be replaced by a computerised accounting system.

List in priorities the change management requirements and document below

Activity 4:

Imagine the business has decided to invest $20,000 in a computerised accounting system and staff training to replace the manual accounting system. Identify potential tangible and intangible benefits that can be achieved from this investment.
Identify any barriers that the organisation can be faced in the implementation of the new accounting system and the mitigation strategies that could be implemented to address the barriers.

Activity 5:

Explain the importance of developing a change management plan and the key information that should be included in the plan?
Why is it important to gaining approval from the relevant authorities for change management processes?

 Activity 6:

Assume that you have successfully developed a change management plan. What key elements will you consider when preparing a communication plan to introduce the changes?
What activities would you include in the communication plan?

 Activity 7:

Consult with your group members and identify responses to the barriers to change given in the table  below:

Lack of employee involvement
Lack of communication
Bad culture S
Unknown current state
Organisation complexity


How would you make sure that interventions and activities set out in a project plan are implemented?

Activity 8:

What are strategies that can be implemented to imbed change in an organisation?
What methods can be used to evaluate,review and modify a project plan?


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