BSBLDR511 Develop And Use Emotional Intelligence - Assignment Help

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 Q1.  Five essential principles of emotional intelligence 

To assess the level of emotional intelligence in an employee, Goleman (1995) developed a performance-based model, which not only identified the emotional intelligence but also identified the areas which need improvement. The model is based on five principles as discussed below.

  • Self-Awareness: Individuals with high EQ are comfortable with their thoughts and understand the impact of their thoughts on others
  • Self-regulation: Individuals must be able to control and manage their emotions as failure to control can lead to mistakes and also damage the relationship with others.
  • Internal Motivation: High emotional intelligence is associated with a passion for what an individual does. This sustained motivation helps in better decision making and improved organisational focus in comparison to the motivation due to money or material. 
  • Empathy: An individual must be able to understand own emotions as well as be able to address the emotional needs of others. Being receptive of others’ emotional needs can help to strengthen the bond with others.
  • Social Skill: An individual must politely treat others so that a respectful and healthy relationship can be developed with others so that it can benefit individuals and organisation as well.

Goldman (1995) suggested that by adopting the above principles, individuals can increase their chances of being successful. 

Q2. Strategies to improve emotional intelligence

Olivo (2014) stated that emotional intelligence plays a major role in determining the success and happiness of an individual. Therefore, individuals must work on improving their emotional intelligence for which Olivo (2014) recommended threes strategies: 

  • The first strategy is to focus on the positive by not paying much attention to negative things. A strategy to do the same is by maintaining a gratitude journal where an individual can write about the things he is grateful for.
  • The second strategy is to practice acceptance as different individuals have gone through different situations in life so the way they perceive things would be different and therefore it is necessary to accept different perspectives. 
  • The third strategy is to engage and participate in different aspects of life with full commitment. This will enable an individual to connect with others and also feel satisfied with life. 

The above strategies by Olivo (2014) are simple to discuss however they are difficult to implement as a successful implementation requires self-control and internal motivation. 

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