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Question & Answers

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Student Assessment

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Written Questions and Answers

Assessment is all about collecting evidence and making decisions as to whether or not a student has achieved competency. Students are required to answer all the questions. Evidence is information gathered that provides proof of competency. While evidence must be sufficient, trainers and assessors must focus on the quality of evidence rather than the quantity of evidence.

  1. Explain why you would investigate, identify, assess, and include the needs of customers in planning processes? Please ensure you include aspects of customer behaviour and the need for customer needs research.

  1. In any organisation there are both internal and external customers. These are all part of the customer–supplier chain. For the customer to receive a quality product or service, in a timely fashion at an economical cost, it is necessary that all aspects of the customer–supply chain meet specific quality objectives. Elaborate on your understanding of how quality, cost and time all relate to the customer valued experience.
  1. What do you need to consider when delivering products and services to customer specifications within organisation’s business plan?
  1. When monitoring the team’s performance to consistently meet the organisation’s quality and delivery standards, what aspects do you need to consider? Ensure you include the communication and improvement cycles with the customer experience. 
  1. How can you help colleagues overcome difficulties in meeting customer service standards? Please elaborate on difficulties experienced that relate to areas of customer contact and information management. 
  1. Organisations need to develop and use strategies to monitor progress in achieving product and service targets, and standards. Please explain this concept.
  1. You work as the manager for an organisation. How do you develop and use strategies to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of products and services?
  1. As a manager, you make decisions to utilise resources effectively to provide a quality product and service to the customer. Outline what decisions you need to make including the internal factor prompts?
  1. How do you make decisions to overcome problems and to adapt customer services, products and service delivery in consultation with appropriate individuals and groups? Please include at least 4 methods and talk about the continuous improvement systems to adapt processes.
  1. When you monitor, adjust and review customer service in an organisation, you are managing the records, reports and recommendations within the systems and processes. Outline what needs to be considered for best practice and include the range of documents (5) and some customer service recommendations (5). 
  1. Outline how the below legislation and regulatory context may impact customer service.
  • Equal employment opportunity legislation
  • Anti-discrimination legislation
  • Competition and consumer protection legislation
  • Privacy legislation
  • Industrial relations legislation
  • Work health and safety legislation
  • Environmental issues 
  1. What are some of your organisation’s policies and procedures for customer service including handling customer complaints?
  1. Elaborate on how to identify service standards and best practice models.
  1. How would you summarise public relations and product promotion? 
  1. Define Customer Behaviour, Customer Needs Research and Customer Relations.

Assessment Outcome Written Questions

Assessed by ______________________________________________

Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Project 1 – Case Study Report

  1. According to the business plan, the organisation would like to deliver great customer service by providing training sales staff to provide after sales product support.



(What is to be done?)


(Why will we do it?)


(Where will it be done?)


(How will it be done?)

Responsible person

(Who will do it?)

When? Budget
Train sales staff to provide after sales product support. To multi-skill retail product staff and to improve the level of after sales product support It will be done across all the 150 retail outlets. Deliver training programs Retail outlet managers 31 August In house. Additional resources available but a business case is required.

As a manager you need to develop and manage your marketing plan to align with the business plan. Develop a marketing plan where you break the overall activity into small tasks, timelines and responsibilities assigned for each task and milestones, is the best way.  Include implementation, monitoring, reviewing of the plan covering how you will handle complex complaints and system problems that lead to poor customer service.

In your marketing plan, ensure you address these points below on how to:

  1. develop and manage organisational systems for quality customer service
  2. develop and review plans, policies and procedures for delivering and monitoring quality customer service
  3. implement policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service
  4. solve complex customer complaints and system problems that lead to poor customer service
  5. monitor and assist teams to meet customer service requirements
  6. develop, procure and use human and physical resources to support quality customer service delivery

Assessor needs to use the below checklist to assess the Case Study.

Items Yes/ No Comments
1       develop and manage organisational systems for quality customer service        
2      develop and review plans, policies and procedures for delivering and monitoring quality customer service              
3      implement policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service    
4      solve complex customer complaints and system problems that lead to poor customer service             
5      monitor and assist teams to meet customer service requirements       
6      develop, procure and use human and physical resources to support quality customer service delivery            

Assessed by ______________________________________________ 

Assessor Signature_________________________ Date _________

Business, Accounting and Finance

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Assessment Outcome Record

In order to be deemed competent in this unit, the candidate must answer all written questions correctly and satisfactorily complete all practical tasks.  In order to complete all practical tasks, all Observation Criteria need to be satisfied, i.e. demonstrated and marked as an 'S'.  The task summary outcome must be noted as satisfactory to note the demonstration of a satisfactory outcome for each practical task requirement.

Expert's Answer


Needs of customers is essential in planning process as each customer needs vary concerning the product type and perception of quality. Therefore, customer behaviour and customer needs research is significant to understand customer expectation and the level of customer service required.

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