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BMO2005 Assessment 1 The Idea

Assessment Overview

Brief Description Weighting Due
A collection of ideas, submitted by each individual having conducted their self-appraisal. 

Each student to only drop one idea that they believe can be a new venture.  The chosen idea will lead for a formation of a team through a selection and reduction process that the class will engage in collectively.



Week 1

Session 3


Learning Outcomes Assessed

    1. List of questions asked to oneself on the self-appraisal
    2. Is the idea based on an opportunity or problem and there is a 200 word justification on this

Meets Unit Learning Outcomes

  • LO1: Identify problems and opportunities that influence innovation and entrepreneurship that embraces technology for  21st century businesses; and
  • LO3: Develop skills in creative thinking, divergent thinking, design thinking, decision-making and transforming an initial idea to a full-fledged business opportunity, designing and organising a team and assessing the opportunities of the new business idea;


You will be required to provide the following information with the Idea:

    1. A name of your idea
    2. Is your idea based on a problem or opportunity
    3. Establishing whether it is a product or service
    4. Profitable or Philanthropic
    5. Unique feature or features
    6. Self-Assessment – Is this an innovation?
    7. Describe the essential elements of this idea (max 100 words)
    8. Who your primary & secondary target audience are
    9. Who/Which market you will face competition

Template Download

Use the Template to fill in the details specified above, please download it below.

Click here to download the template for submission 

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Click to download this rubric Assessment 1 Ideas Booth - updated rubric.pdf  to see the assessment criteria. 

Expert's Answer

Name of Idea KillerDrones
Problem or Opportunity The Locusts Swarm has been impacting many countries in the world specifically in Africa and Asia.

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