BMA799 Assessment Task 2: Report



Strategic Analysis Report - In self-selected groups of (4) – compose a Strategic Analysis Report. Each group will be assigned a case study for an organisation and will be expected to meet, discuss, formulate, write, evaluate and submit a full Strategic Analysis Report for the issue facing the organisation. Each group will have a MyLO portal to post discussions to be used as preparation for the total report. Individual postings with a minimum of three (3) per student, will constitute 10% of the total 40% group mark. Individual discussion posts will be marked on content and critical thinking and analysis and word count. Posts should remain under 250 words each.


Criterion Description Measures ILO:
1 Conduct independent research into foundational and contemporary management theory. LO1
2 Critically evaluate theoretical positions and identify strengths and weaknesses. LO1
3 Reflect on the implications of theoretical positions for contemporary business/management situations. LO1
4 Analyse and critically evaluate data relevant to making evidence-based decisions in management. LO2
5 Use the models of strategic analysis to identify the range of internal and external business/management issues facing a case study organisation. LO3
6 Communicate complex information in written forms. LO4
7 Communicate effectively to a diverse audience in a face-toface and online setting. LO4


Make appropriate use of strategic management principles in all forms of communication. LO4
Task Length Group Report: 3000 words Maximum 

Individual posting: 250 words per post




In your already formed groups (groups for AT2), compose a Strategic Analysis Report.

Each group will be looking at the Hill Street organisation and will be expected to meet, discuss, formulate, write, evaluate and submit a full Strategic Analysis Report for the issue facing the organisation.

This assignment has 40% of the overall mark. The group report will constitute 30% and the remaining 10% will be marked individually.

For the individual component (10%), each group member needs to explain their role and contribution in the group activities (e.g., what ideas they came up with, how they contributed to the analysis and strategy development, etc.). The word limitation for describing each member's role is 250 words and does not count toward the word count of the group report (3000 words). For example, in a group of 4 members, an additional 1000 words will be available for describing the individual roles. Therefore, groups need to add a section at the end of the Strategic Analysis Report containing the descriptions of individual contributions.

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