BMA777 Assessment 3: Poster Presentation
Dear Students,
You need to form your groups by end of week 3. Each group should have 3 or 4 members from the same class. Each group will select a topic related to the unit, and students in the group collaborate to complete their e-poster presentation.
The outcome of the group activity will be presented as a poster on week 11,12 and week 13 to the class. Students must read the marking rubric (on Mylo) before commencing their work. The lecturer will ask questions about the presentation, which will be part of the mark.
The presentations are 25 minutes long (15 minutes for presentation following a 10-minutes Q&R section with lecturer).
The assignment has 40 marks, including peer evaluation (5 marks). Every student should evaluate his/her teammates and submit the form by Monday 11th of October at 13:00. The peer evaluation form is available on Mylo (Assessment 3 tab)
Distance students
Distance students will prepare e-posters and will present their e-posters via the online sessions to the lecturer on Tuesday 5th of October at 6 pm (Week 12) .
This is a Team assignment and 5 marks are allocated to peer-review. Thus, students should evaluate each other by filling the online survey. If you have 2 teammates, you need to fill the survey twice and if you have 3 teammates, you need to fill it three times.
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