BMA777 Assessment 1: Workshop Contributions
To complete this task,
- Every week you will be given two or three workshop activities, and you should actively contribute to the activities during the workshop in small groups.
- The activities are provided on Mylo and in the class
- The preparation for and contribution to workshops activities will help students learn weekly topics and contribute to class discussion in meaningful, fruitful, and insightful ways.
- Weekly activities have 2 marks per week, as presented on Mylo (Week 4-Week 13).
- All students (On-campus and Distance students) should submit their answers to the weekly activity in the written format (200-500 words per Task) to the Assessment 1 folder individually.
- The marks will be released weekly, and the activities will be discussed in the workshop, so students will be able to improve their responses.
- No need for providing reference
- Please keep in mind that there is one (1) correct answer for each activity. However, 75 percent of weekly mark is allocated to your knowledge and meaningful contribution and only 25% of mark is for providing the correct and complete answer.
- Meaningful contribution means your answers should relate to the topic, demonstrate your understanding of the relevant topic, and show your attention.
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