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BHO2422 Assessment 2 Event Analysis and Reflection

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
You are expected to complete an individual report. This should discuss the core values of the event, the significance of design and experience as a strategic component for your chosen community event in the current social and economic climate, i.e. indicate the importance of these elements for success. Activities in session 3,4,5 & 6 are relevant to this assignment. It is expected that you spend at least 9 hours outside the class for this assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Understand major theoretical aspects of event.
  2. Critically evaluate and apply event principles of event.
800 words 35% End of Week 2: Session 6

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  • LO 1: Determine critical Understanding of the creative process as a management function
  • LO 2: Relate and compare the principles of event design to different types of organised event.
  • LO 3: Distinguish and examine methods to enhance, encourage and produce creativity in event design.


Your report should have three sections, these are:

    1. Identify and explain the significance of the core value of the event in guiding the design of the event. (see Brown & James 2004 and others).
    2. Identify and analyse the design of the event (e.g. layout, use of colour and other physical attributes (e.g. access and ticketing). Your work must make reference to supporting theory regarding design for both components.
    3. Assess the visitor experience in the chosen event, with reference to the above. You should also suggest and explain how this will affect their expectations for future events. Your work must make reference to and discuss supporting theory relating to experience.

 · You need to provide an academic framework for these assessments. You should do this by reading, understanding and referring to textbooks, refereed journal articles and other materials produced for university level study which relate to creativity and design for organised and managed events. Work that does not include or includes a very limited level of application of these source types will be downgraded.

· It will be viewed favourably if a mix of citations (books, journal articles, reports, Internet sources, newspapers, etc.) is used in your assignments. Do not use Wikipedia as it is not a credible source of information for university level assessment (although it can be a useful source of information for personal use and to direct your report.

Assessment Structure

You must attend an event to be able to fully explain the 3 major aspects of the event as stated above. Examples of events you may consider for this report are: (find more detailed information on websites).

  • Summer Night Market at Queen Vic market – every Wednesday night
  • Group Fitness and Fun Workouts at Federation Square
  • Changing Face of Victoria Exhibition 

All of the above are free but there are also paid events you could consider. If you have an event in your local area that you would like to use for the report, please check with your lecturer.

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Submission details:

  • You need to provide an academic framework for these assessments. You should do this by reading, understanding and referring to textbooks, refereed journal articles and other materials produced for university level study which relate to creativity and design for organised and managed events. Work that does not include or includes a very limited level of application of these source types will be downgraded.
  • It will be viewed favourably if a mix of citations (books, journal articles, reports, Internet sources, newspapers, etc.) is used in your assignments. Do not use Wikipedia as it is not a credible source of information for university level assessment (although it can be a useful source of information for personal use and to direct your report.

To submit your completed assessment click > Assessment Task 2 - Individual Event Report Analysis & Reflection or navigate to Assessments > Dropbox. 

Expert's Answer

The changing face of victoria is a historical exhibition that is held by the State Library of Victoria every year since 1854. This historical event provides people of Melbourne with an opportunity to learn about the life of victoria (City of Melbourne, 2019). In particular, the items portrayed at the exhibition narrate stories about events, people and places that have shaped the life of the Queen.

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