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BHO2005 ASSESSEMENT 3 Group Concept Report

Assessment Overview

Brief Overview Word Limit Weighting Due
In this assignment you will further develop the idea from your pitch (assessment 2) further into a report, thereby including the feedback you received for your concept pitch.

The report should include the reasoning behind the innovation, its proposed benefit to the hotel and visitor experience and a critical analysis of human resources and finances needed.

1500 words 35% Following Session 9 23:59pm Sunday


The purpose of this assessment task is... 

  • To develop a business idea into a report
  • To incorporate feedback effectively
  • To present a professional business proposal
  • To engage in critical and innovative thinking about a specific hotel, its guest demographic, geographical location and current hospitality trends

 Learning Outcomes Assessed

The learning outcomes assessed for this assessment item are:

  • LO 1: Critically analyse and evaluate short and long term operation problems as they confront accommodation operations;
  • LO 2: Understand the accommodation sector in economic and competitive environment and critically engage with operational responses and limitations;
  • LO 3: Explain the experience economy and its significance to successful accommodation operations;
  • LO 4: Identify current social trends, their impacts on the accommodations industry and critically engage with the responses of the industry; and
  • LO 5: Evaluate and recommend appropriate models and potential for innovation within the accommodation industry.

 Assessment Structure

This report is the more detailed version of the Group Concept Pitch delivered in S6. You’re required to incorporate the feedback you received for your pitch into this report and to further detail your business idea. This is the recommended structure for your report:

  1. Context of and background to the concept proposal (ca. 250 words)
  2. Details of the gap/opportunity that your concept responds to (250 words)
  3. Details of your concept (ca. 700 words)
  4. Conclusion and limitations to the proposal (ca.300 words)


    1. Review feedback received for Assessment 2
    2. Read up on wider context of feedback and critically discuss its implications and how this can be added to your proposal.
    3. Incorporate feedback into the report
    4. Write the report
    5. Proofread, edit and format the report

 Your group!

For this assessment task ensure you are in the same group as you were for Assessment 2

 Assessment Criteria 

Your group will be marked on the following criteria:
  1. Thorough and critical incorporation of feedback for concept pitch
  2. Quality of concept (realistic, innovative, related to specific hotel)
  3. Application of theories covered in S1 and S2
  4. Application of knowledge from fieldtrip
  5. Quality of report (spelling, grammar, formatting)

Expert's Answer

The onset of COVID-19 has impacted the sales volumes of the hotel and resort industry and has significantly reduced the profit margins of the hotel and resorts industry. An important consideration here is that guests feel unsafe because of the exposure with others during their stays at hotels which presents the need to revamp accommodation operations while reducing mounting costs.

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