BEO2255 Applied Statistics For Business - Group Report Part 2 - Assignment Help

Assessment Overview

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You are required to Analyse a given business related data set using appropriate statistical techniques with the use of Excel functionalities and provide interpretations in understanding real-world business problems.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

Demonstrate your ability to work with other team members as a ‘team of business analysts’ in analysing and interpreting a business related data files. 

Review Content Session 5 & 6 in preparation for this assessment task.

No page limit 15% End of Week 2: session 6

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for Part two of the group assignment are LO 3, 4 and 5.

  • LO 3:  Analyse business related data using appropriate SPSS/Excel functionalities to provide specific recommendations to real-world business problems;
  • LO 4:  Derive statistical models using statistical findings and make use of such findings in writing reports to evaluate alternative policy options and justify recommendations in decision making; and
  • LO 5: Exhibit effective interpersonal skills to successfully collaborate with and influence others in teams to achieve group outcomes whilst maintaining responsibility and accountability of own learning and professional practice.


    1. This group assignment requires 3 members in each group.
    2. You are advised to form your own groups and once finalised the grouping arrangement will not be changed unless there are compelling reasons to do so.  
    3. Your assignment must include names of each group member, including student IDs.
    4. No single-authored submission will be accepted.

Assessment Structure and Requirements


The top management of a fashion store operating in three different cities in Victoria wanted to check whether there is a relation between weekly sales and store location. In this experiment, three different store locations are considered: Melbourne, Geelong, and Bendigo, and four different lines of products are considered: Clothing, Footwear, Perfumes and Accessories. The file Assessment 2 Data contains 160 observations from a hypothetical random sample of one week sales of the product assigned to each display location. You are required to select 100 observations for your own data set.  The variables are as follows:

SALES  One-week average sales ($AUD) of the products
CITY  Store Location: 1 = Melbourne, 2 =  Geelong, and 3 = Bendigo
PRODUCT  1= Clothing, 2 = Footwear, 3 = Perfumes and 4 = Accessories
PROMOTION 1= TV and Radio, 2 = Social Media, 3 = Newspapers, and 4 = Leaflets & Brochures

(1) Conducting One-way ANOVA;

You are required to conduct a One-way ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that means sales are the same in all store locations.

(2) Based on your results from Q1 above, is there any statistically significant mean difference in sales between pair of store locations (i.e. between Melbourne & Geelong, between Melbourne & Bendigo, between Geelong & Bendigo?).

(3) Kruskall-Wallis test

Use a Kruskall-Wallis test of the null hypothesis that the distributions of sales are the same for all three store locations.  

(4) Is the Sales data sufficiently non-normal to warrant the non-parametric test instead of one-way ANOVA? (Hint: In your answer to this question, you are expected to revisit the result obtained from Q1).  

(5) Conducting Two-way ANOVA

You are required to conduct a Two-way ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that the mean sales are the same for all products and promotions. Allow for the possibility of an interaction effect between the products and promotions.

(6) Produce Tukey Confidence Intervals for the row and column differences. Report only where the differences are statistically significant. Interpret the significant confidence intervals.

Page Limit

No page limit for the group report however you are advised to present the report in a professional manner. 

Presentation: General guidelines

  • Your assignment must be presented on Microsoft Word.
  • You are required to write the report to suit the academic standards.
  • Attach an assignment declaration with your name and ID numbers clearly written.
  • All tables and figures should contain a title that clearly explains the content.
  • If you are copying Excel table outputs, they should be formatted to suit the presentation of report.
  • Please email your instructor a copy of your group assignment by the due date.

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