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This is an individual assignment due for submission on Thursday 16th April at 11.59pm, 2020.
Each question provides a guide as to the approximate word length of each answer. It is recommended you are close to these limits, but you do not need to achieve them exactly.
Please ensure your overall assignment is +/- 10% of the total word limit. Assignments that vary significantly from these guidelines will be marked down.
All submissions must be typed in a minimum 11 font, with 1.5 line spacing using word and submitted via the submission link on Moodle as a pdf file. Please refer to the online marking rubric for marking guidance.
All submissions will be reviewed by a program called “Turnitin” and this will identify instances of plagiarism (copying). This is a very serious offence and can result in you receiving no marks for the assessment task. Refer to the subject learning guide for additional details regarding plagiarism.
Please ensure if you have copied information you use quotation marks and appropriate referencing.
If you reword someone else’s work you still need to refer to the author(s) in your sentence. For example, Ashman (2020) discusses how……. – whilst this is not a quote you need to reference the idea. The library provides specific guidance for referencing.
This assignment requires you to analyse real events. If you copy financial reports from the internet it will be obvious and no marks will be awarded, even if correctly referenced. The purpose of the assignment is to develop your analytical skills which are not those of an investment advisor. A small amount of referenced information will be acceptable, the focus is to be on your interpretation.
Refer to the “Assignment Part 1 Presentation Guide” available under the “Assignment Parts 1 and 2” tab.
This subject assesses the following graduate capabilities:
Writing 3 marks
Critical thinking 4 marks Creative Problem-solving 4 marks Ethical behaviour 4 marks
“The standard penalty for late submission of assessment tasks is 5% of the marks for that task for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the due date.”
Assignments must be presented in accordance with the “Assignment Part 1 Presentation Guide” available under the “Assignment Parts 1 and 2” tab. (3 marks)
Extract from The Age, Sunday 8th March, 2020.
“Washington: A US congressional committee investigating Boeing said a “culture of concealment” at the company and poor oversight by federal regulators contributed to two deadly crashes involving grounded 737 Max.” (Full article below)
Extract from CRN “Total loss”: Dick Smith shareholder’s cautionary tale, by Rodney van Royden,
March 28, 2017
“[Dick Smith Holdings] would need to see a substantial reduction in EBITDA from even our guidance before we even get close to our number with the banks. So no concern from my end.’ - Dick Smith leadership team
- 28 October 2015 Conference Call Recording – Trading Update
Approximately two months later, Dick Smith Holdings was placed into voluntary administration and receivership having covertly well exceeded ‘their number with the banks’. The oldest and longest serving Australian electronics retailer – DSH – was in fear of being unable to repay their debt.
DSH appointed McGrath Nichol as administrators (to run the business whilst it was in the legal status of administration). The secured creditors (DSH lead bankers NAB and HSBC) also concurrently appointed Ferrier Hodgson as receivers. A basic difference between the two is that administrators primarily act for all creditors whilst receivers primarily act for the interests of the secured creditors.
McGrath Nicol later uncovered that Dick Smith Holdings had racked up a debt of nearly $400 million by the time of the demise.
After more than 45 offers were received to buy the business, none were deemed acceptable by Ferrier Hodgson, and the business was liquidated with hundreds of millions still owed to creditors.”
Using the Dick Smith Holdings (DSH) extract above review the 2015 DSH Annual report and explain the key points that caused the business to collapse and where the senior management team should have identified there were serious problems with its operations. Hint: focus on inventory, supplies, borrowings and cash flows and use the Annual report figures to support your discussion (200 words).
Corporate Governance refers to the “principal agent”, this is an individual that is the owner of the organization however, h/she doesn’t have the control of the organization. The concept of corporate governance emphasizes on the relationship of corporation shareholder. World Bank (1999) perceive corporate governance from different point of views that are implicit and explicit corporate governance. The implicit corporate governance emphasizes on the interest of the shareholders and directors whereas the explicit corporate governance focuses on external stakeholders like buyers, seller, retailers and many more (as cited in Kim & Yi, 2014, p. 43). In this article if the Federal Aviation Administration have acted righteously and have cross check the safety measures that were put forward than the crashes might have been prevented.
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