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AT3 Case study analysis

AT3 Group case study analysis and presentation (30%)
Description Students will form into groups of three and the course coordinator/ lecturer will assign a differen company to research and present on for each group allocated in week 3.

Using the allocated company, the groups are to research and present the company’s approach to sustainability. This should be based on the company’s latest sustainability report, annual reports, and website. It must address the 3 pillars: economics, social and environment. The groups must prepare a business report (word limit: 1500 - 2000 words) on their research and findings on the company’s approach to sustainability. To support their research the groups must use additional resources to support their response to the company’s sustainability approach.

Students must also present a summary of their research and findings in a 15-minutes presentation to their tutor and class.

The purpose of this assessment is to enhance student’s research, analytical, negotiation, communication, time management and professional skills required in an effective and successful workplace.

Due date 5pm Friday, Week 12
Word limit Up to 1,500 – 2,000 words
Other requirements For the report:

Use 12 pt font

State the name and student number of each group member in the document header

State the word count in the document header

Use footnotes and include a bibliography

Comply with the APA referencing style

Every group member must also complete and separately submit a Group Assignment Peer and Self-Evaluation Form, which is available on the Course Hub

Submission format PDF file (.pdf) only for the report, presentation and evaluation files

One submission only per group for the report

One submission only per group for the presentation

Individual submissions required for the evaluation form

Submission method Via the respective Turnitin drop boxes on the Course Hub
Marking criteria See attached rubric


Assigned Company


Link :

Expert's Answer

This report is intended to analyze and evaluate the global oil and gas company, BP Private Ltd.’s approach to sustainability. The objective of the report is to study the company’s history, it’s transition and its efforts in mitigating the negative impacts of its business activities on the planet and the people, with a discussion on how these influences has and will affect BP’s strategic business in future. The report further discusses how the company’s business strategy and purpose drive sustainable activities in terms of environmental, social and economical aspects.    

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