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The corporate communication process makes an integral part of the company’s information flow. The main aim of the communicational process within an industrial setting is to convey all the symbols that contain practical information that can be addressed to several publics be it be external, internal or co-makers (Simula, Töllmen, & Karjaluoto, 2015). The communication received by the intended users can then me disseminated for pursuing goals that might be commercial, personal, organizational or institutional in nature. Hence, the external corporate communication is only activated when there are significant primarily and/or commercial goals. Such communication process is known as “marketing communication” (Karjaluoto, Mustonen, & Ulkuniemi, 2015).
In order to pursue market communication, several tools are used including internet, social media, offline marketing tools and online marketing tools. Marketing communication tools tend to converge and combine almost all of the traditionally planned marketing tools that can either be applied independently or can be converged together to achieve better targets (Järvinen, Tollinen, Karjaluoto, Jayawardhena, & Chanaka, 2012). In this sense, digital technologies allow the corporate communication for combining the features of different personal tools with the nonpersonal commercial tools for addressing marketing tools, boosting communication and addressing market needs of the company (Lipiäinen & Karjaluoto, 2015).
In today’s highly commercialized world, information communication technology (ICT) has now widespread while making digital channels (especially optic fibres and wireless connections) main carrier of information and communication. Digitalization has clarified the circulation of information within the industrial market by developing analogical data first and then converting it into digital one (Ekhlassi, Maghsoodi, & Mehrmanesh, 2012). For the purpose of corporate communication, one of the most important aspect has become the digital technology that can control execution (feed-forward) and return the information flows back (feedback) associated with every communication flow (Holliman & Rowley, 2014).
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