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Information is the key to successful decision making in any business function, even more, critical is managing it which results in success for any business. The environment of business allows the management to interpret data and use the information system at many levels of an organization to take critical decisions. The essential factor for any manager is to understand the capability of their organization and how obtained information can be utilized into better utilization of resources across the organization. Technology has overcome across all businesses it is the primary factor which differentiates an organization from its competitors and gives a competitive advantage for the long run, the role of the manager is essential and his competencies in the technology part is even more crucial to understand, analyze and deliver from the collected information and its flow. Information systems and information technology are now being used by all the stakeholders of an organization, the systems and innovation tools are now somewhat cheaper in price and allow wide usage, in this era for a manager to be successful they have to incorporate the collection of information and managing it in a way that organization can attain success. It is to be understood that using technological gadgets and application is not as similar when it comes to the organization's information system. For an organization a system is to be fit and customized where the handling, management, analysis, flow of communication, with respect to the guidelines of the corporation and laws are to be present, it should also deal with the risk that is involved including the confidentiality, hierarchy level set of information, security, and privacy. Using and understanding from an enterprise level of an information system is different from a technology pro person (Pearlson & Saunders, 2010).
Organizations who once perceived Information system to be a costly system with no advantages cannot survive in this era where an organization who is not applying these systems in an organization could suffer loses and lose reputation in the process, technology is applied in all the business functions, where a finance manager can seek information on his department and in collaboration with sales department to see how much revenue stream are they generating the web of information flow within an organization is essential and crucial to all business manager. It is now essential to be knowledgeable into other systems as well as the organization's own system, which system to acquire is the first foundation laid by a manager to obtain the necessary goals within the organization.
For any system to prevail there is a backbone to it which for an IS to be effective the organizations Information technology is a critical resource, though obtaining a higher technology module for the organization costs a significant amount but they do obtain a higher return and the amount of detailed information that they give for analysis cannot be obtained by any other method, the information collaboration in merely minutes can be successful for any organization where a manager can decide and choose from the analysis of the data as to how the resources are to be managed which areas are the primary focus points and which are not, it overall impacts the business performance. Though there are risks involved in both Information system and information technology it can always be assessed as to how that information technology implementation has been for the organization. The managers need to incorporate the information system into the business model, there are organizations that have implemented the systems but now want to add or adopt new systems to be more effective, and managers play a big role into assessing risk, building mitigation strategies understanding the balance of cause and effect of the implementation. The fluency of collaborative information creates opportunities to managers, information can be segregated into two parts one is the quantity of information flow within the organization and also obtained from external resources, the second part is the quality of information, and not all information can be useful for the organization and its managers to make effective decisions. IS with the help of IT can create quality information which can be interpreted in many forms for managers of different functions collaborating as to a single set of information for the higher management (Pearlson & Saunders, 2010). For this research the organization I have picked Guzman Y Gomez with 107 restaurants across Australia, Japan, and Singapore. Founded just in 2006 the Mexican restaurant using the system of MYOB based accounting system to collect record and analyze its day to day operations in all business functions switched to Oracles Net Suite Oneworld in 2012(NetSuite new ingredient in Guzman y Gomez success, 2019) . The expanding restaurant required a solution to manage its financials, assets and its core business processes this is all achieved by minimal in house resources for the information technology. After implementation now the restaurant can manage its operations in real-time by automotive reporting, consolidated view of the financials, cost and sales analysis in real time, and in compliance with the law.
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