Online Tutoring on Corona Virus Pandemic in Canada
Corona virus pandemic has confronted the world. Canadian government has addressed the pandemic by its leadership and practice of global health diplomacy. Canadian government has addressed that the Covid-19 pandemic is an alarming situation for global health security. Covid-19 pandemic is a frightening situation and to effectively deal with it. Canadian government has imposed restrictions on non-essential international travels and implemented its Canadian pandemic public education plans along with making effective economic policy and provides support to workers.
Canadian pandemic public education plans
The Canadian pandemic public education plans teach effective practices to citizens for controlling the spread of corona virus and to effectively handle the corona virus pandemic. Infection control practices includes washing hands frequently with soap, using hand sanitizers, wearing masks, respiratory etiquette and these practices should be followed to prevent further transmission of virus. Canadian government has addressed citizens to maintain social distancing to stop corona virus transmission. Canadian pandemic educational plans communicate with the citizens via advertisements and channels to make them aware of the situation and teach them how to stay safe. For handling pandemic effectively citizens played vital role as they followed the instructions of government. Moreover, Canadian government closed schools and implemented lockdown to prevent corona virus pandemic. Training of citizens and lockdown in the country played significant role in handling the pandemic.
Restrictions on international travels
Restrictions on non-essential international travels have been proven as effective measure that Canadian government has taken to handle the Corona virus pandemic. Canadian government imposed emergency under the quarantine act. On the arrival of passengers Canadian government has made it mandatory to undergo a screening by a border services officer or quarantine officer to assess symptoms. But the passengers arriving have to self-isolate themselves with no contact with vulnerable citizens such as citizens above the age to 65 years and citizens with bad health conditions. In case of corona positive Canadian citizens, they can enter Canada and emergency medical attention should be provided to them but they should be isolated for 14 days as it is made mandatory by the Canadian government. In case of developing symptoms during quarantine they should immediately call a health care professional or public health authority as directed by Canadian government. The Canadian government is working in accordance with federal and provincial partners to endorse and validate obedience of the emergency order with lively communication and frequent spot checks.
Economic policy and financial support for workers
During Corona virus pandemic Canadian government has implemented lockdown and many of the economic activities stopped in the country but some remained open to provide essential services to the citizens. It has caused benefit to those business but come economic activities were badly affected because of lockdown. Canadian government has started scheme to help the workers who were staying at home by boosting their wages. Financial aid is provided to citizens who qualified the criteria of the scheme. The government has increased the wages of small businesses and provides charities to make them pay salaries to their workers during corona virus pandemic. Moreover, to stabilize the economy that is affected by corona virus pandemic Canadian government has set practices.
The Canadian pandemic public education plans provided training to the citizens to make them aware of the situation and teach them the practices that they can follow to make themselves safe. Restrictions made on non-essential international travels and self-isolation of 14 days after the arrivals of passengers is an effective measure to handle the corona virus pandemic. Along with this government of Canada has made scheme to financially support the citizens. Covid-19 pandemic is a frightening situation and to effectively deal with it Canadian government has imposed restrictions on non-essential international travels and implemented its Canadian pandemic public education plans.