Online Tutoring on Auditing & Assurance
Australia is a worldwide agricultural pioneer, creating high yields under extreme conditions with products kept to an excellent quality, operation and manufacturing standard. The Abundant Produce Limited (APL) slogan is ‘Better growth for Australian Farmers’ (APL, n.d). APL is the only ASX listed hybrid plant breeder in Australia committed to turning world-class agri-science research into professionally useful property rights. ABL reached out to promote change and raise new seeds, increasing tomatoes twice as sweet as generally offered and good-tasting and nutrition vegetables (APL, n.d). APL concentrated on the growth and marketing of latest breeds of high-value food crops with wide focus on selection breeding in order prevent several human diseases through healthy green food (APL, n.d).
Five important facts about the Abundant Produce Limited, its management and previous auditors
- Abundant Natural Health (ANH) is one of the prominent business division in the pharmacy sector with diverse range of product offering for pain relief.
- ANH has used innovative ways to counter the headaches and migraines issues.
- The management of Abundant Seeds (AS) is moving 10 tomato varieties toward commercial production and growth in Australia and overseas.
- Growth and development of the APL mainly depends upon the quality of its key management personnel.
- Directors’ report of APL is gratified that the provision of non-audit services are in accordance with the standard format for auditors enforced by the Corporations Act 2001.
Abundant Natural Health (ANH) is one business unit of APL and in the year 2019, it has shown a significant presence in the Australian pharmacy market. In addition, many new products and remarkable offering are rolled out in the niche market to counter the pain and give relief all over the Australia, Asia and the USA. Moreover, ANH has produced an advanced and 100% organic opioid-free nasal spray for the relief of headaches, migraines and related pains and is going to conduct public trials in several different places all around the world. The management of Abundant Seeds (AS), another APL’s business unit, is heading 10 tomato varieties to mass level manufacture with contract cultivators in place, prepared to supply parental tomato seeds, promoting the growth of these newly hybrid tomato seeds to trade in Australia and worldwide. Key management personnel of APL, i.e. APL directors and group managers, are responsible for designing, managing and monitoring the Group’s activities. The Group’s success relies upon the productivity of its key management personnel. Furthermore, it is reported in the report of the Directors of Abundant Produce Limited and Controlled entities that, in compliance with the guidance of the audit committee, the Executive board is convinced that the procurement of non-audit services throughout the year is consistent with the accepted standard of autonomy for auditors laid down by the Corporations Act 2001.
Tips for making Auditing & Assurance Online Tutorings
APL has a diversified financial background. Any company’s financial performance and financial position is evaluated by means of various financial statements. The financial statements are simply summaries of a company’s operating, financing and investment operations. Financial statements can give investors and creditors meaningful information when considering credit, development and other management decisions. APL’s history is review on following five main categories of performance and financial position i.e.
- Income statement.
- Balance sheet.
- Statement of change in equity.
- Statement of cash flow
- Noted (disclosure) to financial statements.
Based on the history of Abundant Produce Limited and its annual reports, it is noted that APL is facing loss while talking about statement of profit and loss. The revenues of the APL have increased in last 5 years but with drastic increased in expenses which generates total comprehensive loss for the APL (ASX, 2020; APL, 2020). Balance sheet, the statement of financial position, and statement of change in equity of APL for last few years shows that there is a fluctuations in terms of assets, liabilities and owners’ equity. The value of APL’s assets decreased from 2016 to 2017, then increased in 2018 and again decreased in 2019. Similarly, liabilities decreased from 2016 to 2017, then increased in 2018 and again decreased in 2019. Owners’ equity also follows the same trend as of assets and liabilities. Statement of cash flow of APL for the last 5 years have shown that cash and cash equivalents have followed the same trend of assets, liabilities and owners’ equity which means cash and cash equivalents are large in year 2016 then decreased in 2017, followed by increased in 2018 and then decreased in 2019. Noted (disclosure) to financial statements is another type of financial tools that tells the details of the financial performance of the any company. Noted (disclosure) to financial statements of APL shown the change in accounting policies, key details of the items used in other financial statements and address the key management personnel remunerations etc.
In terms of business and extension, Abundant Produce Limited is working so progressively but while considering the digits and statistics of APL in terms of financial performance and financial position, company faced some serious issues that need to be resolved in the year 2020 because several items of APL show decreased trend in the year 2019.
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The whole auditing process can generally be divided into three different phases i.e. audit planning, performing and reporting phase. Here the first phase is under consideration that is planning the audit. In planning an APL audit, auditors need to address a broad set of factors that may affect the financial statements of the APL and resolve those risks immediately in order to perform their duty of care for and depend on users who request it. In the year ended 30 June 20219, Bentleys NSW Audit Pty Ltd was the APL’s Auditor. No doubt, Bentleys done a great job in terms of auditing but still there are some matters that need serious attention. Being a manager of AWC Chartered Accountants, it is my duty to address all the concerns that I feel may occur to APL due to any act of previous auditor or auditing firm. Hence, there are the five main matters that need to be addressed for planning audit of APL for the year ending 30 June 2020:
- Risk management for material misstatements need to put under considerations.
- Proper audit procedures designs need to be planned to avoid risk and obtain sufficient appropriate evidence
- Audit costs need to be reasonable
- Misunderstandings with the APL need to be avoided.
- Audit procedures need to be
Planning an audit requires more than gaining an understanding of the business and doing risk assessment. Planning is a dynamic process that may grow throughout the audit process, and therefore should play a significant role in the audited entity’s conditions. Moreover, the auditor’s letter generally follows a standard format i.e. generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and audit report comprises of three paragraphs. These paragraphs comprises of:
- the responsibilities of the auditor and directors,
- the scope based on the standard accounting practices, and
- the opinion of the auditor.
There may be an additional paragraph that focuses on the investors’ need and highlights the details of another specific audit for the investors.