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As per the teachings of Tadajewski, (2018) the most transparent and autonomous part about art is that it can be expressed in several ways. Marketing an arts performance, production, festival or exhibition or even programs can have various aspects involved in it. It solely depends on the nature of the event that determines a root cause being portrayed, identified or tackled. For this report, a service would be focused upon, known as “Art therapy”, this would include various methods involving arts and crafts through which individuals can participate, learn, grow and take out whatever that has been bothering them in the form of colorful art. The nature of this event is to have the audience find this activity therapeutical and focus towards a healthier version of themselves.
Founded in 1974, the company “Arts Projects Australia” has been around for a considerable number of decades, providing a platform for people with disabilities who has amazing talents that were expressed through arts. Having received tremendous accolades for its contributions and opening the platform for the general public, APA has surely come a long way (APA, 2019).
These Art therapy sessions would feature the following services:
The report will focus on how this service would be marketed and to whom. The targeted market will be further defined as well and the 6p’s of marketing will be considered for its successful execution. Arts Projects Australia has already been focusing on various services but this one would be an addition to its many amenities and would allow a form of rehabilitation for the people who wish to join the program.
The mission and vision focuses on enhancing the artistic visions of the people that have an intellectual disability, providing them with a platform that could enable them showcasing their talents, this has always been APA’s aim.
They have believed in providing these people with an intellectual disability to express themselves and make waves in the visual arts industry with their talents to have the general public understand them and normalize their existence in the society through their work and also to make them realize that people with intellectual disability have something to offer to their country as well. All of the aforementioned helps APA in providing an organizational culture that is a part of their long term vision (APA, 2019).
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