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Using the RMIT library databases, you are to compile an annotated bibliography on the topic of your choice. You need to collect five sources, and these need to include a minimum of three research papers (i.e., they are articles based on a research study rather than essays / book chapters that are overviews of a topic). You are to provide details of how you undertook the search, answering the following questions:
Following this, you are to provide a summary of these sources. This summary needs to include the citation of the source, as well as approximately 150 words outlining the methods and key findings of the paper. You are not required to provide any analysis or opinion on these papers.
Some clarifying points:
I hope you are doing well. We had few students asking about how to write the assignment. While there is no set format, here is my proposal. You will not be penalised for not following the format below-it is an example only. You are marked only on the level/quality of response to all the criteria set in this assignment.
A- Ensure you write your full name, student number, course name and/or code.
B- Write approx 100 words on how you conducted your searchers, ensuring you respond to all 3 questions as outline in the assignment. Here there are again:
You need to provide examples for each question, so we don't expect you to write your answer here for all five searches. Rather, pick and choose examples that respond to these questions.
We understand there might be confusion regarding word count because the advice here for you to write approximately 100 words for this section will either leave you writing less for the second part or exceeding the total word count. It is ok if you exceed the word count by 50 words (on top of your 10% up or down as with all assignment). Don't panic please. We won't mark you down for this.
C- Write approximately 150 words for each of the 5 sources. this word count includes the citation for each source. A neat way to do so will be something like this:
Source 1
Full citation
Approx 150 words outlining the methods and key findings of the paper.
Source 2
Full citation
Approx 150 words outlining the methods and key findings of the paper.
And so on until you have written about all 5 sources.
Finally, I recommend saving your word do as pdf and uploading it as pdf. this will ensure neat and correct layout of your paper (so it will appear as it appears to you when you write it in word).
Youth Oriented Journals (or journals where there may be topics of interest)
Journal of Youth Studies
Sociology of Health and Illness
Health and Place
Journal of Sociology
Education, Prevention and Policy
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Qualitative Health Research
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Journal of Gender Studies
Men and Masculinities
British Journal of Educational Studies
Journal of Education and Work
Addiction Research & Theory
Contemporary Drug Problems
Journal of Homosexuality
Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Disability and Society
Youth Justice
Honey, A., Kariuki, M., Emerson, E. and Llewellyn, G., 2014. Employment status transitions among young adults, with and without disability. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49(2), pp.151-170.
The first step which was undertaken to identify this article was conducted by accessing the RMIT University Library. In the library search bar the following keywords were entered; ‘disabled youth’, ‘Australia’ and ‘study’. Consequently, three active filters were applied to the search wherein the publication date was set between 2012 and 2020 and ‘youth’ was selected as a subject.
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