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Assessment Task Health Promotion Project Plan


In this task you will demonstrate your knowledge and skills in evidence-based health promotion planning to address a health and wellbeing priority in a community.

You will produce a written health promotion project plan. 


  • Individually you will develop a health promotion plan to address your community health and wellbeing priority. The plan will be based and draw on the health and wellbeing priority analysis (and related evidence) presented in the oral.
  • You will use the evidence to: describe the impact of the health and wellbeing issue on your community/population; develop and provide justification for the goal, objectives and sub-objectives for your health and wellbeing priority analysis.
  • You will be required to discuss your draft goal, objectives and sub-objectives and related evaluation with the Course Coordinator prior to submission of your final plan. Time will be made available, either in class or in separate Zoom meetings, to allow for this discussion.
  • Use Vancouver-JAMA style referencing.
  • Further details on how to approach and structure the health promotion plan will be made available on Blackboard.

We will also be practicing the skills for this assessment and working through a Health Promotion Plan case example in weeks eleven (11) and twelve (12).


A Health Promotion Project Plan template has been provided for you to complete this task. Completing the template will ensure that you include all the required components of the plan.

The Health Promotion Project Plan builds on Task 3 Oral health priority analysis. Specifically, you will use the health priority analysis, and convert it to a plan and develop a goal, one(1) objectives and (2) sub-objectives. You will provide a written justification for your goal, objectives and sub-objectives based on the evidence.

You will also provide a background and context for your project and a summary of your health priority analysis from Task 3 Oral health priority analysis. You can use your notes from your previous task to complete these sections. However, I suggest that you make any amendments to the health priority analysis to ensure it is fully technically accurate, based on any feedback you received about the group presentation.

You will draw on the evidence that you used for Task 3 Oral health priority analysis. You will also need to include additional references that you utilise to convert your health issue analysis to the plan.

Getting started

  • Review your health issue analysis and make any amendments necessary to ensure that it is technically accurate.
  • Commence the completion of your Health promotion project plan template.
  • If you wish to create your own template, you can but please make sure that you include all relevant components of the template.
  • You should be able to complete the Background and context, and Health priority analysis sections relatively easily and independently. I suggest that you do not move onto subsequent components on the plan until you have completed these first two sections.
  • In Weeks ten (10) and twelve (12) we will focus on developing goals, objectives and sub-objectives including writing a justification for each. While you can start these tasks before then if you wish, you may need to substantially re-do this work once you have participated in those classes.

TIPS for success

  • Start now
  • Do all the Week 10 and Week 12 Independent learning activities. They have been designed to support you to prepare for this task.
  • Be clear about the criteria you are being assessed on
  • Application of relevant health promotion planning frameworks and/or models
  • Use of evidence to develop a health promotion project plan
  • Technical accuracy of the goal, objectives, sub-objectives
  • Quality of the justification for the goal, objectives, sub-objectives
  • Adherence to report structure and referencing requirements.
  • Work sequentially through the plan template
  • If you have questions post them to the Task 3 Discussion forum or ask the course coordinator – do not rely on your classmates or previous students for advice with this task to avoid receiving any inaccurate direction. The content of this course and the requirements of this task have changed substantially compared to previous years.
  • Work independently from your Task 3 Oral health priority analysis group. I will expect to see that there are strong linkages between this component of the task and the Oral presentation, but I also expect to see that you have taken different approaches from your team-mates
  • Seek feedback from an academic skills advisor once you have your draft plan developed.

The Task 3 Health promotion project plan template which you will use to complete this task will be made available on Blackboard

Expert's Answer

The purpose of the project is to assist the women in Brisbane to increase the use of exclusive breastfeeding by providing information and support plan, that will prove beneficial for mother's health

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