Assessment Task 2: Report



Strategic Analysis Report - In self-selected groups of five (5) – compose a Strategic Analysis Report. Each group will be assigned a case study for an organisation and will be expected to meet, discuss, formulate, write, evaluate and submit a full Strategic Analysis Report for the issue facing the organisation. Each group will have a MyLO portal to post discussions to be used as preparation for the total report. Individual postings with a minimum of three (3) per student, will constitute 10% of the total 40% group mark. Individual discussion posts will be marked on content and critical thinking and analysis and word count. Posts should remain under 250 words each.


Criterion Description Measures ILO:
1 Conduct independent research into foundational and contemporary management theory. LO1
2 Critically evaluate theoretical positions and identify strengths and weaknesses. LO1
3 Reflect on the implications of theoretical positions for contemporary business/management situations. LO1
4 Analyse and critically evaluate data relevant to making evidence-based decisions in management. LO2
5 Use the models of strategic analysis to identify the range of internal and external business/management issues facing a case study organisation. LO3
6 Communicate complex information in written forms. LO4
7 Communicate effectively to a diverse audience in a face-toface and online setting. LO4


Make appropriate use of strategic management principles in all forms of communication. LO4
Task Length Group Report: 3000 words Maximum 

Individual posting: 250 words per post

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