Assessment Task 2 - Practitioner Inquiry Proposal

Word Count: 2500 words

Weighting: 70%


The purpose of this task is to create a viable proposal for a practitioner inquiry to be conducted while on

final placement (Primary and Secondary Students) or while on your Infant and Toddler placement (Early

Childhood Students)

Task Detail:

In this task PSTs will develop a proposal for a practitioner inquiry that is grounded in a sound

theoretical basis and is feasible to complete within the limitations of the placement. The components that it must address are:

  • How the proposed inquiry will improve student learning and classroom practice.
  • The personal and professional motivations for conducting the inquiry,
  • A brief review of the literature as it relates to the inquiry topic,
  • Ethical approaches to classroom inquiry,
  • The methodological approaches that will be used,
  • How the proposed inquiry links to graduate standards,
  • How the proposal has been shaped by peer feedback,


The task will be written in the format of a formal proposal using the above components as key


Assessment Criteria:

Your work will be assessed according to the extent to which your inquiry proposal demonstrates:

  1. Identification of personal and professional motivations (10 Marks)
  2. Use of literature to contextualise inquiry proposal (15 Marks)
  3. Understanding and application of the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession (10 Marks)
  4. Understanding of the role of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (10 Marks)
  5. A broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning (15 Marks)
  6. Construction of a cohesive, fluent, well expressed written response that uses correct referencing according to APA, and demonstrates a constructive response to feedback (10 Marks)


Your lecturer or assigned marker will assess your work and provide feedback through the Moodle site. Each of

the above criterion is weighted as listed.

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