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Assessment Item 2 International Strategic Plan Report

Assessment Item 2

Assessment Type: (a) Individual Presentation and (b) Written Report Title: International Strategic Plan

Due date: report due 23rd of October via online submission.Purpose: This assessment item is designed to build planning, organising, cognitive, research and problem-solving skills and the ability to formulate innovative global/international market entry strategies/solutions. Length or Duration: Presentation 8 minutes (No more than 10 slides), Report 2500 words (+/- 10%) Weight: 60% (10% Presentation/50% Report - please see additional information below)

Group or Individual: Individual

Optional or Compulsory: Compulsory


As an International Business Consultant, you will first deliver an 8-minute presentation (online), then submit a detailed written Strategic Plan in a report format at the end of the semester (week 13). You will conduct your research on behalf of a chosen company (your client) and an appropriate industry from South Korea. Your client can be an Australian Company (preferably a Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)). You will need to make an assumption about the need for the Strategic Plan and justify the suitability of the selected industry and country. You will outline the importance of the industry to the designated countries’ economies, examine factors of operations and performance, and assess the impact of recent issues on entry to the industry and future prospects. Based on this research, you will then formulate an entry strategy for your client.

Additional information will be provided during the lectures, tutorials and via the BLACKBOARD site.


  • From weeks 7 to 12 you will have the opportunity to present your scope (choice of client, industry and country) and an overview of your International Strategic Plan to your peers within the class. This will provide a valuable opportunity to seek feedback of your scope elements and selected industry.
  • A report will be produced (word count excludes reference list, executive summary, tables, charts, graphs and attachments). It will be fully in-text referenced throughout (ie. including the sources of all ideas and specialised information and not just of direct quotes) and include a reference list of any other appropriate supporting data in table or graph form. It must be presented in a professional manner following the QUT Cite/Write guidelines provided at this link
  • The report must be well researched, reflect considerable thought and be well-organised, both in terms of a central argument and in practical terms.
  • The marking guide should be referred to while preparing your assignment as it provides a statement of the criteria by which it will be assessed.

Information regarding the report will be provided during the lecture and tutorials.

Expert's Answer

PERKii is an Australian based small firm that is offering probiotic water-based drink purported to contain 1 billion micro-encapsulated probiotics for the consumers along with only 37 calories. Each probiotic in the drink is micro encapsulated for increasing the survivability and delivering goodness to the guts of consumers. Given the latest trend towards consuming functional foods to improve health, South Korea has been chosen as the destination/host country to be considered for expansion protected by KAFTA. It is the fourth largest trading partner of Australia with a GDP per capita of USD 42,661 (purchasing power parity). The functional food market is steadily growing in South Korea as the total market size exceeded 3.7 trillion in 2019. The direct competitors of PERKii are Yakult and Danone due to their probiotics infused drinks. However, none of them have used any technology for encapsulating the probiotics due to which PERKii can gain competitive advantage as its microgels can survive the stomach environment for longer time as compared to Yakult and Danone products. The best mode entry for PERKii is to establish strategic partnership with retailers in South Korea. The leading retailer types in South Korea are hypermarkets, grocery stores & supermarkets and convenience stores. In order to ensure the exportation plan of PERKii, an overall assessment of market threats and COVID-19 implications must be administered.

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