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ASSESSMENT 3 Literature Review

 ASSESSMENT 3            

Title: Literature review

Value: 40%

Length: 1250 words, 150-word leeway Due Date: Midnight Wednesday Week 12

Aim: Write a literature review on one of the four learning outcomes and its impact on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's health.

Task: Critically analyse published literature of your chosen topic. Please note:

  • Minimum of six journal articles or academic sources.
  • Material must be peer reviewed, professional journals or other approved sources, such as text book.
  • This literature review is to demonstrate a broad understanding of different perspectives and viewpoints of the topic.
  • This paper does not require you to explore methodologies.
  • Please read Core Criteria.

Unit Learning Outcomes

In this unit, you will:

  1. Explore the concepts of colonisation; racism; identity, difference and diversity; and cultural safety in relation to their work practice.
  2. Outline the impact of historical, social and political processes on the health of Indigenous people in Australia.
  3. Discuss traditional and contemporary Indigenous healthcare knowledges and practices.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices of cultural security and cultural safety when working in partnership.

Expert's Answer

In Australia, indigenous comprise at least 2.4% of the overall country’s population, though they are the first ones to whom Australia actually belongs to, but still they are the poorest and underprivileged people in the Australian society (Paradies, et. al. (2008).

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