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For this task, you will work as a group to submit a report for assessment on any logistics and transport (3Pl/4PL) issues in Australian or overseas logistics industries.
You are the manager of the transport company and you are required to write a research document on your company. This assessment is a chance to undertake a simulated real-world activity relevant to the industry. The contents of the research document will draw on topics as presented in this course.
Learning outcomes:
This assessment links to Assessment 2: Group presentation (Note: you are expected to complete a presentation and report on the same case company/case study).
In groups of four (4), choose a transport company in which to do a case study. You have choice over the company but should choose a company that you can easily find information available online or talk to a relevant representative in person. Identify the issues relevant to that company and develop a report that you would then give/present to (confirm audience). These issues are likely to be related to the following as per our topics discussed in class and listed within the Assessment 2 information.
Group case study report should be up to 2500 words (+/- 5%) and be written from the perspective of service provider (3rd party logistics provider).
The report should include:
Student contribution
You will have time within sessions but also be required to work outside class, so manage your time effectively. It is up to you how you share and manage the work, however there is an expectation that workload will be distributed equally amongst the team.
Note that you will receive a group mark for this assessment and are expected to manage teamwork and team dynamics as part of this assessment. If you have any issues regarding your team ways of working, please ensure you have captured sufficient evidence of teamwork and attempts to contact team members and undertake the work as part of your progress, then raise any issues with your teacher by end of Week 2 / beginning of Week 3.
Please refer to the Assessment 3 Report rubric for further details of the assessment criteria.
Please submit a copy of the report to the Assessment 3 Dropbox by Sunday 11.59pm of Week 3.
Please include your team name and Assessment 3 report within the title and submit as a MS Word document (.doc or .docx)
Please ensure you have followed the previous instructions related to the assessment and saved in the correct format and file name.
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