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Assessment 2 Project Plan Report individual assignment

Assessment 2 :

Assessment #2 - Project Plan Report - individual assignment

Value: 35%

Format: Report

Length: 2500 words

Due date: 03/09/2015, 11:59 pm

This is an individual assessment task.

The hospitality industry comprises diverse and varied functions and scale of operations. Some organisations may be single function business enterprise such as catering organisation. Others may be larger with multiple business units; as in hotels that provide accommodations, food and beverage services and events management. Even in the single business organisations there are multi layers of critical activities that integrate to effectively deliver the objectives of the operations. These critical activities hold strategic importance to the organisations' performance.

The main objective of this report is to provide students with an opportunity to develop problem solving and strategic project management skills. In this assignment, your task is to complete a project plan for a hospitality based project of your choice. Please note that the project will have to significant enough to warrant a detailed plan. You should discuss your project concept with your lecturer prior to deciding on a project.
Your project design report should include the following sections:
• Project Title
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Project Background
• Need for the Project
• Project Scope
• Project Objectives – SMART objectives
• Project Benefits
• Body of project proposal (e.g. WBS graph, WBS table, Network Diagram, Critical Path Method, Gantt Chart, resources required and project budget).
• Risk Analysis
• Conclusion and/or Recommendations
• Reference List (if required)
• Appendices (e.g. assumption list, etc.)

Expert's Answer

Hospitality industry of Australia has seen significant growth in the recent years. Australia has seen increase in hotel development due to the consistent increase in the number of travellers visiting Australia for leisure (Cummins, 2013).

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