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Assessment 2 Group Presentation


For this task, you will work in a group of 4 students to present your key work and findings as part of your Assessment 3 Group report. The presentation and report will highlight and discuss a key transport and logistics issue. 

This assessment will support you in work towards your larger group report and gain early feedback regarding your research and proposed solutions into logistics and transport issues.

This assessment links to Assessment 3: Group report (Note: you are expected to complete both a presentation and report on the same case company/case study).

This assessment relates to the following learning outcomes:

  • Critically reflect on transport regulation and structure, oversee operations and policies, and address challenges in the transport sector;
  • Critically review issues about the management of transport and e-transport to address simple, important, complex, and unpredictable problems;
  • Conceptually map and synthesise information from various sources to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge in the field of transport and logistics management


You are the manager of a transport company (Australian or International business) and you are required to write a research document on your company from the perspective of a 3rd party logistics service provider to present as a report.  This assessment covers the group presentation component of the report.  

In groups of four (4), identify the issues relevant to that company and develop a report that you would then give/present to managers/board members or other key stakeholders as relevant. These issues are likely to be related to the following as per our topics discussed in class:  

  • Global transport issues (including modal choice)
  • Green transport and sustainability considerations
  • Risk management
  • Chain of responsibility
  • 3rd party logistics
  • e-Transport management
  • Industrial relations
  • Workplace Health and Safety. 

This assessment gives you an opportunity to:  

  • Confirm the transport issue you are investigating 
  • Begin working as a team to plan and delegate tasks and identify any issues when working as a team 
  • Develop an action plan regarding tasks 
  • Build a collection and summary review of research sources relevant to your report 
  • Reflect on and discuss transport issues and develop some tentative strategies, and possible solutions towards these issues (and costings where relevant) 
  • Gain feedback from your teacher/lecturer and your peers to further progress and improve your Group report.  


The presentation should run for approximately 10 minutes. Please ensure you do not exceed more than 2 minutes either side of your 10 minute allocation. (e.g. Presentation should be minimum 8 minutes and maximum 12 minutes). 

Each person within the group is expected to present a section.  

Your presentation should be supported with relevant visual supporting slides/media or props. 

You should ask for questions and feedback at the end of the presentation, and allow up to 5 minutes for Q&A/class feedback. 

The group presentation should contain:  

  1. An introductory slide and oral presentation introduction listing the company/case chosen and team members in your group
  2. Case & context (i.e. background information related to the company)
  3. Issues presented/identified 
  4. Potential strategies and costings – but may be rough 
  5. Current progress and action plan related to Assessment 3: Group report. As part of the presentation you should also outline where you are at so far in your report, what is left to undertake, where you are looking for specific feedback to assist you in progressing your report Include a basic timeline or list of items completed vs yet to be completed as part of your slides. How you present this information is up to you.

Assessment Criteria

  • Identification and understanding of the topic issue (including use of supporting resources/literature) 
  • Potential strategies 
  • Clarity of presentation (oral presentation, slides and media, relevance to audience) 
  • Identifying current progress, team management and further tasks/support needs. 

Please refer to the Assessment 2 rubric  for further details of the assessment criteria. 

Submit your assessment

Please submit a copy of the Assessment 2 presentation to the Assessment 2 Dropbox by the end of the Session 6 class.

Ensure that your presentation is saved as a PPT or PDF and includes team members names in the opening slide and if possible, also as part of the filename. 

Please ensure you have followed the previous instructions related to the assessment and saved in the correct format and file name. 

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