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Assessment 2 Design Online Questionnaire

Assessment Overview

Purpose Length Weighting Due
The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Find and assess valid and reliable measurement scales relevant to the field of marketing;
  2. Develop a quality questionnaire that addresses a research problem;
  3. Acquire skills to develop a questionnaire using an online questionnaire.

 The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  1. Develop and/or evaluate an appropriate data collection form/s.
500 words

(25 marks)

Overall – 25% Completed in Pairs  Session 7

Upload the word version of the questionnaire and the questionnaire development to Dropbox in VU Collaborate.

Provide the link to the online questionnaire in the comments section. 

Further Detail/Context

Grocery shopping is a regular task of every household. Some consumers find their busy lifestyle makes the task stressful and some just have a dislike for grocery shopping. For some consumers online shopping may be an attractive alternative. The online grocery shopping market in Australia is expected to increase to $5.8 billion in 2020; this represents approximately 4 percent of the market ( A large supermarket chain is interested to understand the consumer attitudes to online supermarket shopping and to identify if any demographic and psychographic differences exist. A quantitative research method research will be applied using an online survey.


    1. Design a questionnaire for online distribution with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 questions to gather data to address the research problem.
    2. Use a mix of open, closed, and multi-choice question formats. At least, one of your questions must employ a replicable scale – a scale that has previously been tested in the academic literature relating to consumer behaviours and found to be reliable and valid.
    3. Ensure your questionnaire has a brief introduction to inform respondents as to the purpose of the research.
    4. Use Google Forms or Qualtrics to record the questions for online distribution.
    5. Write a 500-word report explaining the structure of the questionnaire and the steps your group took in designing it to address the management problem. The sample Student Research project (see page 10 Measurement and scaling) or the questionnaire development section in a journal article can help you with the structure of this report.

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Assessment Criteria:

  • Purpose of the study
  • Appropriate links between research question and design of the questionnaire
  • Content of individual questions
  • Questionnaire design and layout
  • Quality of the questionnaire and report on questionnaire development

To access the marking criteria for this assessment, click > Assessment 2 Questionnaire Rubric.pdf

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