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Assessment 1 Reflection

Assessment 1: Written task - reflection

Weight: 25%

Due: Thursday 19 March, 2020 - 4.00 pm (Week 4) Task:

Task: Critical reflection heightens awareness on what you believe, why you believe it and whether or not change should be considered. This is an essential component of future human service practice. The purpose of this task is to explore and critically reflect upon your own beliefs regarding certain societal groups and what has influenced these. The task will also develop skills in writing in the first person by using a reflective format.

Choose ONE of the following topics:

  1. Indigenous Australians
  2. Unemployed persons
  3. Lawbreakers (can select a specific area of lawbreaking)
  4. Homeless persons
  5. People with a disability
  6. Parents engaged with the child protection system
  7. Older persons

Using a reflective style of writing, in 750 words identify, describe and reflect on your beliefs in relation to your chosen group. This should be written in the first person and no references are required. A Tip Sheet explaining how to write a reflective essay will be available on the Learning@Griffith site under Assessment. When writing, consider the following:

* What views/opinions do you hold regarding this group?

* What influencing factors informed your beliefs and where did they come from?

* Can you identify any significant changes in your relation to this group and if so, what prompted them?

* Can you identify further knowledge or skills that you would like to gain in relation to your chosen group?

* What impact might your beliefs have on working with this group in future practice?

* Can you identify any possible challenges or opportunities you may experience when working with this group? Criteria & Marking:

  • Clear identification of your beliefs about your chosen group 3 marks
  • Explanation of key influences shaping your beliefs and a discussion on any changes that have occurred regarding your beliefs 6 marks
  • Exploration of knowledge/skills required in order to work effectively with this group in future practice 4 marks
  • Exploration of how peronsal beliefs may influence you as a future human service professional, including potential opportunities and challenges 6 marks
  • An insightful reflection that demonstrates self-analysis 3 marks
  • A well written, grammatically correct and appropriately formatted essay 3 marks


At the convenor's discretion, resubmission may be permitted, for no more than pass.

Submission: Text Matching Tool - Turnitin. Submission is via the Learning@Griffith site.

Expert's Answer

My beliefs are informed by what I witness in our society and what the media feeds us. While walking on the street, I encounter homeless people and try to interact with them. By treating them well and offering little support, some speak out about their experiences. Although it is difficult to validate the truth about the narratives they give, it appears that most of them are on the street due to poverty.

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