Annotated Bibliography on Leading For Equality and Inclusion in Saudi Arabia as a Wicked Problem

Task Description:

I have an assignment (annotated bibliography on The theme: SDG4 and education 2030 The topic: Leading for equality and inclusion in Saudi Arabia as a wicked problem). (You will find more information about the theme and its topic in first file that I will attach). You need  to find four articles and write annotation for every one (400 words for every article) and write introduction (100 words) and conclusion (300 words), so the total will be 1800(+\-10%) words.

- the structure: 👇🏻👇🏻


- Outline your topic ensuring you address- who/what/where, and how it is connected to educational leadership.

- Explain your “where” by clearly stating the country and providing a brief overview of the international context being addressed in the counter.

Article 1

-      Summary (200 words)

-      Critical analysis(200 words).

Article 2

-      Summary (200 words)

-      Critical analysis(200 words).

Article 3

-      Summary (200 words)

-      Critical analysis(200 words).

Article 4

-      Summary (200 words)

-      Critical analysis(200 words).


- Are there any similarities/differences in the key ideas across the 4 articles?

- What has been the most important learning for you?

- How have these articles helped you identify what requires further research?

The summary should include:

200 wds Summary

- key points of the article in your own words.

- It must not be the same as the abstract already provided by the authors.

Critically analysis of the article discussing points such as:

200 wds Critical Analysis

- What assumptions has the author made? Have they clearly expressed these assumptions?

- Does the argument flow logically? Is it complete?

- Is the evidence strong enough to be lead to these conclusions?

- How does this study contribute to scholarly discussion or debate on the topic?

- Considers the flow arguments, assumptions and positionality , nature of evidence and conclusions and contributions to debate on your chosen wicked problem.

Steps to completing this assignment:

  1. Review the themes listed here and consider which are most relevant to your educational context and your leadership work.
  2. Choose a theme.
  3. Choose a topic.
  4. Consider why the topic is significant for the country of context you have chosen. What is the wicked problem you have identified?
  5. Use the list of recommended journals to find your first peer reviewed article

Steps 1-5: Themes, topics and recommended journals

  1. Review the themes listed here and consider which are most relevant to your educational context and your leadership work.
  2. Choose 1 theme.
  3. Choose 1 topic within this theme and focus your topic by identifying:
  • _Who? (eg: students/ teachers/ parents/ school community/ schools/ universities/ NGOs)
  • _What? (eg: challenges/ strategies/ importance / new opportunities)
  • _Where? (specify a country for your context)

Example: Theme- globalisation

Topic- educational leadership for accountability

 The proposal- The challenges for educational leadership for accountability in high schools in Vietnam

Recommended journals are in annotated bibliography resources worksheet ( I attached it you).

Please read carefully these fails:

- annotated bibliography Template

- Rasmussen college PDF annotated bibliography.

-  annotated bibliography resources worksheet.

 * note*

Please use APA 7th.

Please use recommended journals are in annotated bibliography resources worksheet ( I attached it you).

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