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In a democracy, journalists have a critical part to perform: supplying people with appropriate data about decision-making. The media are considered a significant factor of the "Democracy Index" of The Economist (McChesney 2012) for a good democracy. These significant factors come with a weight of responsibility to act accordingly in the given guidelines of ethics and legal boundaries, failure to do so can go against the public interest and can embark a lengthy legal battle. The relevant ethical and legal issues raised in this fictitious scenario have been studied through various academic literature and previous cases. Confidentiality is not what it used to be where so many people communicate what they do and believe in openly available channels, there is an interpretative option between public and private communication. In case of Bubbles Barrett who is a successful Melbourne actor which refers to the person being a celebrity, public has keen interest in celebrities and the exact time a public figure becomes a celebrity can be mapped out. It happens at the stage where press interest in their actions is moved from reporting to researching towards their personal life and by reporting on their public role. The fact that Bubbles Barrett is working in Hollywood which is the largest entertainment industry increases the public interest, the public is enthusiastic about the gossip of celebrity cultures, and what should be seen as being in the public interest changes as additional personal information is considered of public interest, which can apprehend celebrity. Her multimillionaire status with her home in Elwood which is considered a well-known posh area makes her life even more interesting which is why she’s a favourite topic in the weekly magazine stories. Tansy Career works for the Woman’s Digest which comes under the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), The Australian Journalists Association (AJA) Section is bound by ethical codes of Honesty, fairness, independence, and respect for the right of others (MEAA, 2019). Bubbles were asked for an interview which she obliged, this point towards consent and “consenting person can have no expectation of privacy in relation to that material. When given, consent should be voluntary, informed, specific, current and given by a person with legal capacity and an understanding of the use to which the material will be put consent can be provided which can be expressed, such as when obtained in writing” (, 2019). It can also be implied; for example, where a person is a willing participant in an interview in the case of Bubbles Barrett. Given the condition that no photographs are taken, this statement can only be implied to the obligation of interview not before and not after the interview to which Tansy Career agrees, yet she did hire a Freelance photographer who is not a part of the Woman’s Digest team. Ethically given a condition for consent for the interviewing with agreement towards that condition and not implying it fully is considered unethical on the part of Tansy. Standard 8 “Use fair, responsible and honest means to obtain material. Identify yourself and your employer before obtaining any interview for publication or broadcast. Never exploit a person’s vulnerability or ignorance of media practice” (MEAA, 2019). Tansy has completely followed her ethical responsibility of acquiring content of an interview through permission. MEAA is a self-regulatory body as no government restrictions and sanctions are there, the question arises as to what limits are to be set when a journalist follows an unethical practice.
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