LST3SLR Crime And Socio-Legal Research - Assignment 2

Description of Task  
This review assignment includes two separate assignments: A reaction paper and a literature review exercise. Please follow the structure of the assignment proposed below

1.       Critique (reaction paper): In a first section of 500 words, you will demonstrate you have learned how to critique research work. You will need to write a thoughtful critical review essay (also referred to as  paper   The essay will include your reflection about a single scholarly article or book chapter you will choose from a list. The tutorial in week #6 will be focused on discussing how to write these critiques.

You need to read the piece carefully, seeking to understand not only its substantive meaning, but also its methodological assumptions. You do not need to summarize the article: You need to critique it. This means that you should refrain from only explai          think about what are, in your view, the strengths and pitfalls of the piece.

You will need to choose at least four (4) issues you would like to address in order to write your review. (Note: If there is another issue you would like to raise, you are free to do so as long as you justify it).

Is the topic theoretically meaningful? i.e. Is it adequately defined with reference to literature and otherwise justified?

Is it correctly specified, or is it too broad?

Does the author address its practical implications?

Is the theoretical framework well explained? Is it underdeveloped? Why?

Does the author include a literature review? Does it seem sufficient, or he/she seems to have missed important works that should have been considered?

How about case selection and/or sampling? Does the author explain how he/she elaborated the sample? In your view, does it have any mistakes or pitfalls?

Do you agree with the qualitative or quantitative approach followed by the paper? Why yes/no? Would the piece have been different if the author had followed a different course or used a different method? Do you see any weaknesses or problems in the data collection process? For example, if the author made a survey, do you see any mistakes in the way the interviews were made? If it was the result of one or more ethnographic exercises, does the author specify how they were conducted? If it is historical data and the researcher went through historical archives, does he/she explain how they were revised?

Do you see any problems in the data analysis?

2.       Scholarship Selection Exercise (Similar to Annotated Bibliography): In this exercise, you will briefly identify and critique the main works that you plan to cite in your final research plan. At this stage, I would like you to select at least five (5) scholarly works, properly referenced, that you consider relevant for your topic. First, you will write a brief paragraph of 50-100 words summarizing your topic (taking into account the feedback I gave you for assignment #1). You will then explain in a brief 100-word paragraph how you selected this literature. Finally, you will need to write the correct reference for each work and, next to it, about 35-50 words explaining why each work selected is relevant to your topic.

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